17 मई 2023 17:10
Highly recommend Ridhima and her team for all your nutrition and lifestyle needs.
Got the yummiest recipes and meal plans as customised as I requested.
Have lost 30kgs of fat with them and now I am working on muscle building with her. Learning and growing with each day.
Thank you team ND.
01 मई 2023 19:56
I reached out to Ridhima when I was sick and tired of not being able to lose weight, irrespective of how much I worked out or ate right according to me. Struggling with the hormonal balance and attempt to lose weight, I eventually reached out to her for help!
Given my super hectic schedule, I sadly couldn’t follow her recommendations 100% but tried my best to stick to at least 80% of it. Within the first 2 months itself, given I was suffering from Thyroid and PCOS, I noticed my weight dropping again. With her, I started to eat right and understand how my body reacts and functions. She helped me balance my hormones again. With time, I started to get leaner, my skin became clearer and my periods got back to normal without any medications. I loved her desi recommendations instead of introducing any fancy medications, which might have had any other side effects. I am happy that she connected me to my roots and now I enjoy desi ghr ka khana and how I can very comfortably control my urge for sweets.
Thank you Ridhima and the team for helping me get back to normal and also helping me gain back my confidence. I can’t thank you enough for motivating me, scolding me and guiding me to be a better version of myself. ️
17 अप्रैल 2023 10:53
I was around 91 kgs and was looking to reduce. Then I got to know about nutrition defined weight management program. It was a wonderful experience. I almost reduced 11kgs I am 80kgs now. The diet plan was easy to follow no difficult recipes. Diet plans were changed every week. I am very happy with the progress I made with their help.
03 दिसंबर 2022 4:36
Ridhima is genuinely a very good doctor and advisor. She takes a keen interest in my problems and gave realistic solutions with an optimistic approach. She chalked out a routine and diet plan for me which when followed seriously produced desired results. I have lost 5kgs during my duration. I am thoroughly satisfied and hold a very high opinion for her. Thank you Ridhima
15 नवंबर 2022 11:40
Hello Everyone,

I had gained a lot of weight in the pandemic because of WFH and my sedentary lifestyle.
I was not able to wear my favourite clothes due to this weight gain, which obviously looked bizzare on me.

Then I researched about various dieticians nearby me and I saw Ridhima’s website in which I saw people getting transformed and getting rid of their health issues.
Seeing this, I immediately got connected with her and I decided to start my journey.

I have lost 6 kilos and lots of inches in just 12 weeks!
It feels so motivated and refreshing seeing myself once again in the same shape I used to be. In this journey with them I learned more about my body and the kind of food I should have and which I should avoid.
If I can do it, you can do it too. I am feeling much more confident and energetic

All thanks to my coach Ridhima and Sucheta for the proper guidance and timely support. They are amazing and their follow up is also amazing

I would suggest everyone of you who are overweight to get in touch with them as she is a wonderful coach

Thank you RIdhama
09 अक्टूबर 2022 13:07
It was an amazing experience being with Nutrition Defined. I lost 9 kgs in 3.5 months and cured my PCOS too.
I was really amazed by the results that I got just by following THE ND LIFESTYLE. Initially I could not believe that anyone could cure PCOS without medicines or any kind of treatments, but ND made it possible for me.
I highly recommend Nutrition defined to those who are suffering from PCOS or overweight concerns.
09 अक्टूबर 2022 10:38
Ridhima and Suchita at Nutrition Defined you helped me lose 17kgs in 9 Months. Your diet plan was fun and the lifestyle coaching aided the weight loss process. The attention to detail with weekly calls was very highly appreciated and helped me stay on track. Thank you Ridhima and the team at Nutrition Defined for all of your help and support. My journey still continues and I will be back hopefully with an easier task for you next time round.
01 सितंबर 2022 9:53
It’s me Leena Aggarwal.
Dear Ridhima
I am very glad to be a part of your weight loss program. It was a great journey with you and its really commendable the way you deal with your clients.
Before I joined you I was not good health wise also my weight was increasing much but you helped me control my diet and the diet you provide is super good and healthy.
Before I joined my weight was 86.6 kgs and now I am 76.5 kgs.
Thank you so much for all the efforts you made. You are such a nice person. Thank you so much
30 अगस्त 2022 1:52
I found Ridhima easy to talk to, professional and super supportive. She designed the program to suit my needs based on my daily routine. I am extremely happy with the results!
I am so grateful to Ridhima for helping me in my weight loss journey. Thank you so much for your guidance. ️
21 अगस्त 2022 10:18
I had best experience with Ridhima and Nutrition Defined's team. I consulted them for my gut issues and weight gain.
In a span of 4 months my acidity, bloating are gone. I have gained around 7 kgs already which is mostly muscle and I am still in the process.
Her explanation, reasoning and eye to every detail is what made me learn alot about my own body.
Her diet plans and recipes are very simple, realistic and yummy.
I highly recommend her to each and everyone.
11 फरवरी 2022 3:43
3 months of amazing experience
I first contacted Ridhima with a lot of anxiety regarding my body and health and it was effecting me mentally
But Ridhima made sure to constantly keep telling me it was okay and I could improve my health and 3 months later I did it, we did it.
Ridhima and Suchita is been so supportive during this whole journey
It was about learning to live a healthy life and now I can confidently tell I am closer to it.
A big thanks to Ridhima and Suchitha.
30 जनवरी 2022 16:48
Ridhima you have done wonders in my life style, never thought I will be so discipline in my eating habits all thanks to you and will sure try to improve and maintain the same eating life style.

During my playing days I used to get up at 5 am and used to practice but all credit goes to you for again I am getting early and starting my practice by 6 am.

My sugar level became normal in just one month of your diet plan and I have reduced 8 kgs with your diet plan. Cholesterol levels are now normal and I am so energetic throughout the day. Thank you so much!
Thank you Ridhima and your team, God bless you Dear.
16 जनवरी 2022 20:49
Before I started my XXL to M journey, six months back my weight was 96 kg and I was facing health issues like breathing problems, fatty liver due to an unhealthy lifestyle.
I used to think that diet means just eating only salads or keep yourself starve but after joining the ND weight loss program it makes me completely wrong.
I never imagined that I can lose 13 kg just by eating healthy and delicious recipes.
First time when I talked to Ridhima her sweet gesture and positive energy really boost my confidence.
During that call, she discussed in detail my food likes and dislikes and tried to understand my lifestyle and health issues.
After that, She asked me to do some tests like complete blood count, liver test and through these tests, I came to know about my micronutrient deficiency especially vitamin d.
So the Diet plans were customized by taking care of my health issues and food preferences and she also recommended me supplements like multivitamins, vitamin d.
During our weekly catch-up calls, she always asked me about food cravings if I have to add to the diet plan and answered my all queries or doubts.
Through this course, I learned how to control food portion size and how to include different varieties of food in your daily diet for better nutrient consumption.
Thank you Ridhima for encouraging me to live a healthy lifestyle.
11 जनवरी 2022 7:24
Just completed my three months and the results are nothing short of amazing. I joined the weight management programme with Nutrition Defined. Being in Melbourne and living alone, I thought it will get difficult for me to follow a diet routine but Ridhima made it so customised for me that there was no hassle. I was was not only improving my eating habits but also weight was reducing with proper eating. I lost approx 6kgs, down by a size and learnt alot about my body. It's not just the personalized diet plans but her dedication to help and support you that keeps you motivated to achieve your goals. I would absolutely recommend Nutrition Defined for a healthier and happier you!
01 जनवरी 2022 9:20
I found Riddhima and her team to be really professional and knowledgeable. My diet program was totally designed as per my routine, so it was easy to follow even on days when it was difficult to find time.
There were no crash diets ; instead I was constantly given food that I enjoyed.
There were regular weigh-ins and follow ups that kept me really focused.
I have managed to lose 5 kgs and 2-3 inches of fat without losing any muscle mass. My energy levels have imporved. Both my skin and hair feel great too.
She is easily approachable and is just a call/ message away. It has been a wonderful journey with you.
Wishing you all the very best & loads of success ahead️
31 दिसंबर 2021 6:11
It's been 11 weeks, transformed to a larger extent. Shread 6kgs of weight, even started toning up my muscles @Ridhima Batra@nutritiondefined, thanks for your inputs precisiouly knowing my needs. " I would say I am happy for myself ". Right from reducing water content, acid refluxes and now muscle mass increase every thing was well guided by you ridhima. Nutrition Defined has revived my daily routines at home or at work well balanced. Life style modification is needed at any time of life and yes its a greater part of healthy life.
30 नवंबर 2021 19:24
I was 88 kgs when I started my journey with Dr. Ridhima Batra and now I’m 75.5. Honestly, before starting I had all the doubtful thoughts in my head like most of us have but it’s unbelievable how easy she made it for me. She keeps check and also understands what suits best for her client. She’s very friendly and is completely flexible with her plans. I lost 12.5 kgs in a very fun way, believe me when I say it was fun I really mean that I enjoyed these 6 months. I never missed any outings and never felt I was restricting myself since she used to plan acc to my day to day chores. I’m happy with my progress even though it was a bit slow as I had other medical issues (now in control) Also, I feel happy physically and mentally as well. It won’t be wrong to say that she helped me in correcting my lifestyle and I’m incorporating those habits forever in my lifestyle.
10 अगस्त 2021 16:24
I enrolled for the 3 month nutrition plan with Ridhima in an attempt to lose my body fat%. Ridhima is very committed to her work & helped me realise the importance of consuming a balanced diet. It was not just about shedding fat but an overall, wholesome approach to health that’s doable, even in the long run. She was always there to address my queries to help me do my best. I’d like to thank Ridhima for her diligent efforts, patients & time she's invested in my growth.
01 अक्टूबर 2020 0:17
Ridhima is a magician she helped me with my gut issue (severe acidity) and made me learn what healthy eating and healthy lifestyle is all about. She’s extremely knowledgable and her diets are very simple and effective. The best part is she works around my favourite foods and let me have my treat meals depending on my goal. She’s very friendly and always available over a chat or phone call just in case I need some extra motivation or have any other doubts. I would highly recommend her to everyone who’s looking to transform themselves and learn more about the right way of living. Her holistic approach will help you get the required results in the best and easy way possible just how I have achieved.
23 सितंबर 2020 13:37
*My journey from “M” to “XS”*
The work life balance often sways more towards the work and I was missing out on myself. I finally got the wake-up call of getting myself together. I started my Journey with ND, and I was not sure if I will have to starve or the diet plans would be too difficult to follow. However, to my surprise, it turned out to be completely opposite. Ridhima understood what my likes and dislikes are and where do i need to focus to heal my body from within. It was not like a regular consultant sharing a new diet every week. The diet plans were made keeping in mind my preferences and ample of smart treat meals were included as a savory. It was a course, where I learnt about nutrition, how food works in our body and not to mentions how to cook mouth watering healthy snacks. I achieved alot from 7kgs of fat loss, better hormonal health and more importantly better lifestyle. Thank you Ridhima, ND for being a part of my journey in healing myself from PCOD and making me fit.:)
11 सितंबर 2020 20:34
I have learned a lot in the last 3 months that how a good and healthy diet works and I don’t think I could’ve learned from anywhere but Nutrition Defined. It made me realize how an unhealthy routine I used to follow
I had such a good experience with Ridhima because she always plans a diet according to me and she is very thorough about the likes and dislikes even if I am out and about or just on the go. I have reduced about 7kgs and got my body fat % from 24 to 20% till now and have renewed my plan to better myself more. Thank you for helping me in reducing my weight & body fat and making my unhealthy routine into a healthy one.
09 सितंबर 2020 13:06
Ridhima is just brilliant. I never thought at this age (55+) I will be able to reduce my weight (8kgs) and get through my menopausal phase with so much ease and comfort. I no more face the issues of hot flashes, depression and poor digestion.
Her meal plans are very thorough and easy to follow. Just love my sessions with her, she has so much knowledge to give every time.
I truly have gained a better lifestyle under her. Her prompt guidance have helped me stick to my plans wherever I am. Thank you so much Ridhima, godbless!
08 सितंबर 2020 5:40
So my experience with ND have been rewarding. My primary focus was on a diet which improve my vitamins and control my high lipid profile in my body which at the end of the 12 weeks resulted into reduction of 5-6 kgs of fat without losing my muscle along with improved vitamins and cholesterol level. The best thing about Ridhima is she plans your diet as per your food preference and gives tasty yet nutritious diet without any fancy food.
At the starting I thought this is going to be really difficult but weekly diet along with weekly goals made it interesting followed by every week followups and yes not to forget “Treat Meals” every Sunday.
So the 12 weeks transformation journey was a great experience and big thanks to Ridhima for all the guidance and contestant support, well I would highly recommend anyone out there who is looking for nutritious/ diet plan with 100% assured results.
07 सितंबर 2020 13:00
I found Ridhima to be really professional and knowledgeable, about nutrition. I liked the program because she managed to designed it as per my needs and based on my regular lifestyle. This helped to follow the nutrition plan easily in the busiest days as well. The clean eating plans prepared in a manner to ensure that I got the best results. She was very encouraging and mixed up the routine each time so there was variation. Regular weigh-in’s and measurements kept me on track and focused.

I managed to lose almost 6kgs and 6 inches in my stomach area! And my skin was so clear. I was absolutely delighted with how I look after the program. Thanks and cheers to Ridhima.

07 जुलाई 2020 1:25
I am super grateful to Ridhima for helping me in my weight loss journey. When I initially started the NutriHeal programme I had never thought I would be able to cure my PCOD problem, now my periods are very much regular.

Her in depth knowledge and comprehensive approach make her the best dietitian. She definitely gives unique recipes or healthy substitutes to satisfy your hunger pangs.
The most interesting part is the weekly health challenge which helps to reach your goal efficiently. Your mental health is also taken into consideration which plays a vital role in fitness journey.

I have reduced total of 5.5 kgs with great inch loss. I can't thanks ND enough for addressing all my concerns, queries and helping me achieve my personal goals with ease.
I have full faith in Nutrition Defined.
02 जुलाई 2020 3:18
On the very first day I thought that this dieting thing was not meant for me. But the constant support and encouragement provided by Ridhima helped me through this. I started with more than 85 kg which is quite high for someone of my height and also was having few health issues. However, in three months of following the diet i lost almost 8kg and 2 size down. Even my body has started feeling good and the health issues are negligible. All thanks to Ridhima for helping me achieving all this.
17 जून 2020 17:00
Hours of sitting and celebrating Sunday everyday with chocolates, fried foods and nearly no physical activity had spiked a gain of 9 kilos in my weight in under 4 months!

Enters Ridhima,

Two weeks of adherence to her diet, brings down 5 kilos! And another 2 kilos in the next two weeks.

She is very understanding, and answers even the silliest of doubts, explaining all DOs and DON’Ts patiently.

Right now, I am following her diet to gain muscle weight while maintaining my body’s fat percentage.

I would 100% recommend her to anyone looking to lead a healthy and nutritious lifestyle!
30 मई 2020 10:50
Hey Ridhima,

So talking about my weight loss journey, I would like to thank you for changing my food habits in a more nutritious way. I have learnt a lot of new recipies and the favourite one is Chia seed pudding. In a span of 3 months I lost 12 kilos. Well for any weight loss journey how much you exercise or workout; if you don't have the right combination of meals then your goal is very far off; Rrght kind of diet is the most important part in that journey. Lastly I would also thank ND for giving me healthy meal options, no starve meals, Healthy snacking to keep a foodie like me happy and achieve a healthier lifestyle. Cheers!

27 अप्रैल 2020 20:46
It was a delight to work with Ridhima, she proactively keep a check on me with what challenges I am facing while following the diet. I was given different food items every week so that I don't get bored eating the same. I feel much more active and healthy now. I have actually so far reduced 3.5kgs in 30 days and with better energy levels and digestion.
I recommend it to every looking for a change in themselves mentally and physically.
19 फरवरी 2020 19:16
The best part about her is she not only wants to know your weight but also a bit about your history, your general food habits, your likes and dislikes, activity level, etc. I feel when she customizes a diet plan for you, she always takes these points into consideration; and this is what made it easy for me to follow her diet in a very smooth and sustainable manner. I never felt as if I was on a diet as I was constantly given food that I enjoy; just swapped with their healthier counterparts. She is easily approachable and is always just a call away.
15 फरवरी 2020 3:23
Dear Ridhima
When I started with my 1 week of diet, I had never thought I would be able to come so far and strictly follow the diet for 3 Months.

Started with 101 kgs nd ended up with 90kgs.

On top of that I got to know certain new n unique dishes & combinations which i could have never thought off and are now my favourite.

Some of your recipes are have been loved by my entire family nd are being continued.

Thanks for solving my queries on all odd times

And spl Thanks for the Transformation tht has happend with your fulfilling Diet Plan.

Looking forward to continue once again
16 दिसंबर 2019 20:41
Due to poor lifestyle choices and lack of physical exercise, I had put on some extra kilos. I decided that I had to do something and I joined a gym. But I soon realised that no matter how hard you work out, if you’re not eating right according to your fitness goal, it will make little difference. I was looking for a personalised diet guidance that could compliment my workout and ND provided me just that and more. Ridhima knows her work well, makes great effort to not only understand your fitness goals but also where you stand at present. She sets out realistic goals that can be achieved, prepares nutrition plans that are not monotonous and are easy to follow. She is easily accessible and has always helped me out whenever I made plans to eat out. With her support, I lost 6 kgs and 4% fat percentage in 3 months. Her methods are not only doable, but are also sustainable. Thanks a lot to ND for playing a vital role in my fitness journey!
05 दिसंबर 2019 5:58
Hey, I am super grateful for Ridhima Maam, for helping me with my weight loss. I weighed 81kgs when I started the diet with her and now I’m at 74kgs. She had not only helped me lose weight but also taught me the right way of eating, to understand my hunger levels and how to cope up with exams and diet together.
She gave me a personalized diet plan and included all my occasional eat outs - ensuring it stays guilt free. She is the best dietitian!
07 अक्टूबर 2019 4:30
She is easy to talk, a good listener and follow ups quickly. She is professional, passionate and very efficient.

I got in touch with her for my weight loss. I lost 8kg and 8" overall. When I started with her I stood 65kg and now I am 57kg at the age of 47.
The journey has been satisfying.

This is the first time I feel satisfied and hava no cravings. I hava a whole new relationship with food. I am eating guilt free. My energy has also dramatically improved and I feel great.
She is genuine honest and realistic.

God bless you. You will surely take your passion to the next level.


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