20 फरवरी 2019 5:55
My search for a Pelvic floor specialist started when my mother developed cystocele (bladder prolapse) symptoms as she had undergone abdominal hysterectomy (uterus removal) many years ago. I, being an ob/gyn myself was on a look for a Pelvic floor specialist who are very few in our country as it is only an upcoming super speciality. Cystocele repair surgeries have very less success rate, so we were highly concerned. Came to know about Dr. Aparna Hegde and it was a big relief! She looked at the matter and came out with the best surgical procedure she would like to follow keeping in mind the suitability to the patient and this was actually we were looking for. So it is not one fit for everybody. My mother was also very comfortable with her. With God’s grace surgery went well and everything turned out fine. Dr. Aparna was all the way with us answering our doubts, even taking our phone calls. Dr. Hegde has very high qualifications, still she is so down to earth. She is not money minded like many corporate doctors and really cares for her pt’s wellbeing. If you are looking for an ethical doctor with profound knowledge on this speciality I would recommend her completely.
05 फरवरी 2019 9:35
Hello I am Divya Sachdeva from Naranaul, Haryana. In a very small age i have suffered from an unusual problem that I could not pass urine. I had a very thin flow and retained urine after passing. It was very distressing. My kidneys were beginning to get damaged because of back pressure changes. For treatment, I have gone to many hospitals and doctors all over Delhi NCR. Different treatments were tried, but none succeeded in the last three years. Before meeting Dr. Aparna Hegde, a doctor in one of the top hospitals in Delhi had done dilation of the urethra 18 times, once every two months but there was no sign of recovery. And that doctor only finally suggested that I consult Dr. Aparna. When I met her, she thoroughly studied all my reports and performed thorough urodynamics with air-charged transducers. She diagnosed my problem immediately and put me on a treatment plan that has worked wonders. She also performed a new non-surgical therapy on me that helped: a new biofeedback technique plus electrical stimulation that helped me relax my muscles enough to pass urine. I can pass urine now and I am not holding urine in my bladder after passing urine. Before Dr. Aparna’s treatment, i would often hold more than 600 cc after trying to pass urine. I have been completely cured without undergoing surgery because of Dr. Aparna.
Dr. Aparna is an exceptional doctor. She has not only treated my physical body but I have also learned how to achieve mental peace with her. I am really fully happy with the treatment. My family is also very happy as my problem was a source of great distress to everyone. Dr. Aparna is very intelligent and quick thinking doctor, she immediately picked up details no one had noticed. She picked the issue up very well. She is also full of kindness. She explained the problem very well to me and my family and we felt relieved for the first time in three years after meeting her. She is like a friend and I am not scared to go to her center like I was with other hospitals. Her staff is also very kind and helpful. Her center is the only center for this problem I could find.
She has saved my life because otherwise my kidneys could have failed and repeated dilation could have damaged my urethra. I am very grateful that I found Dr Aparna.
29 जनवरी 2019 17:53
99% recovered from Overactive Bladder.

Kudos to Dr. Aparna for having all the latest equipment for urodynamics and biofeedback. *AT CUP, YOU CAN FEEL ASSURED TO GET THERAPIES THAT OFFER INTERNAL WORK* which is so important if you suspect you have the complex issues such as PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION, and your Gynaecologists, Pelvic PT's & Urologists have not been able to help you.

My tailbone dislocation trauma for 5 years had started to cause pelvic floor issues like obstructed defecation and urinary urgency. Before I could go for the tailbone removal, bladder health got worse, causing voiding at least 10x in less than 5 minutes, or 20-30x all night. I became an insomniac and depressive.

After seeing gynaecologists, pelvic floor PT, wasting money on MRI Defecograms and living with the knowledge of false diagnosis of rectocele, I found Dr. Aparna, after google search. I trusted my gut that told me I will get help from her.

She understood the spectrum of my issues and concurred with my assumption that the urgency was directly or indirectly related to the inflammation around the tailbone, which were irritating the bladder muscles, which are unable to relax themselves. The bowel obstruction was making it worse. She ruled out the rectocele as well. Many hadn't taken me seriously because I'm in my 20s, but she did.

Prior to this, I was home bound due to pain and urgency for a year. Then, the trauma of a family member's death caused stress induced urgency which became a nightmare for me. I had to void at least 50-60 times during the night. Out of desperation, I approached MyPhysio in Delhi, between March - July 2018, who did nothing substantial for me. I was given information about the muskoskeletal pains, and a normal pelvic floor but with some tenderness and hypervigilance (which was no surprise to me, as I knew the tailbone pain was causing it). The severity of my tailbone pain was ignored and I never felt assured they will fix my urgency. I was never specifically told the course of treatment. For PFD, INTERNAL WORK is important and when I realized I'm not going to get it at MyPhysio, I had to look for another doctor. MyPhysio's Mild to moderate diet changes allowed me to understand the bowel management but nothing more. Increased water intake was a good suggestion, but those things, one can learn from Google too. I was taught how to do pelvic floor relaxation (like a body scan meditation) but I could not visualize what those muscles were exactly doing. No medicines, no equipment therapy prescribed and they believed my urgency would resolve if I just exercise and relax.

After fruitful consultations, I finally had the diagnosis on paper - OVERACTIVE BLADDER AND PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION, and an END IN SIGHT. Dr. Aparna made me send in a bladder diary and in the next appointment, said it with massive assurance that she will get me sorted, so I can have my tailbone surgery. I was prescribed medications; a detailed fluid and diet modification, but most importantly, I was taught how to do Pelvic Floor Drops - this relaxation technique, was easier for me to grasp because I could see on the monitor what I was doing.

I saw the improvements in the graph from the first time until my 8th therapy. From my 1st therapy which also included the Electrical Stimulation, I also noticed substantial relief in the ability to control urination, up to an hour or more. I had to practice Pelvic Bulge Maneuver (her own method of Reverse Kegals) at home, 3 times a day. It took 3 months to have up to 95% relief, even though I skipped last two therapies and continued medications, as per her advice. At 2.5 months, I was 75%.

In her absence, two of her staff members takes care of the therapies, and they are very helpful.

The cost of treatments are reasonable if you see it from the purview of her specialty, and what some of the competitors are charging in the market. (especially on a timed basis)

I hope the same standards continue at CUP, so that, those who have SUFFERED LIKE ME IN SILENCE can find healing.

Thanks, Dr. Aparna.
21 जनवरी 2019 16:37
Got diagnosed with bladder pain syndrome- stroke IC (interstitial cystitis) at Centre for Urogynecologist & Pelvic Health  few months back.here goes my story.its worth to share.

 For the last 6 months, I have been taking treatment under the supervision of Dr. Aparna Hedge, Urogyne. It was in 2011, when things got started frequent urine every 5-10mins with strong urge and this suffering went on for years. I went to numerous doctors for this issue none of whom who had any idea whatsoever how to help me. I was told it was all in my head. I was striving to live a somewhat "normal" life but urgency, frequency made everyday life a challenge.  Also, nocturia interrupted peaceful sleep. I, hardly remember, any night if I had sound sleep in those years. The symptoms drained me physically, mentally and emotionally. I got scared of water. I accepted my life to be this miserable forever. I was losing trust in my own body and self. I was not sure if my bladder will ever get back to normalcy. Some days the condition would be better, and some days it would be much worse. This frustrated me. Whenever I would leave my home, I always had to know the location of the nearest toilet, and who I was traveling with because they needed to be understanding and willing to stop frequently. Over time, I grew tired of this constant mental and emotional pain – often intense enough to make my eyes water. I also faced lots of difficulties at my workplace too. I felt discomfort and uneasiness on a daily basis worsning my quality of life even more. I used to think to resign as my condition made my daily commute to office as well sitting in office at long hours challenging and demanding. During March 2018 I got blood in urine and sharp pain in pelvic area, i was  terrified. This is where I started googling for doctors and I came across this new specialization area Urogynaecologist and its expert Dr. Aparna Hedge. With one visit in her office, I knew I had found someone who understood my pain, who did not brush it off. She recommended for Cystoscopy and it was then I got diagnosed with Interstitial cystitis/ Bladder Pain Syndrome. At first it sounded like a terrifying diagnosis (as I never heard this term before), I was like what it is but then immediately I was happy on knowing that there is something causing these sufferings (I mean it was all real and not in my head). Believe me the most distressing part is when you are suffering and none of your doctors could figure it out and you end up being getting convinced it’s all in your head!   She formulated a plan for me which included bladder instillations, physiotheraphy  medications, diet/fluid modification and Meditation (a must part of treatment). Initial 3-4months were frustrating as I was not getting results, but gradually symptoms started appearing on & off.i knew i have to put in my all efforts and such chronic conditions do take time to go away and now since it’s been more than 6 months, I can feel the significant improvements, though not permanent but sort of. Life has become much easier for me now…no more skipping going out with friends. I have started finally feeling relief that I had been searching for almost 6-7 years. To be given your self confidence back, is remarkable, an act of grace and love that is hard to find in the world of healthcare and I got this from Dr. Aparna Hedge. She is friendly with all her patients but at times she is strict too. But that’s too a part of treatment and believe me it’s going to benefit you only, just follow religiously what she says. It will do miracles in your life! I am so thankful to her and her team. As I am still under treatment, I don’t know how long will it take to heal completely but with the time I invested in my treatment at the correct place i hv got back my self confidence and the much needed mental strength to overcome IC.i am so thankful to her and her team.   I wish I found you ma'am years ago!
12 जनवरी 2019 5:58
I am extremely thankful to Aparna as she is the only doctor who was able to diagnose my problem correctly.
I met Aparna last year in August when I had this strange pain in my urinary bladder from almost 6months, it was like I have held a lot of urine for a very long time but when I use to go to washroom to tinkle, firstly it required me to concentrate for a minute or so to pass urine plus it wasn't that much in quantity as it felt with the kind of pain I use to feel.
I met two more doctors before Aparna n none could provide me any relief from my problem. For both of the doctors treated me for UTI. But after meeting Aparna n they way she went into minutest detail, is when I came to know that IAM suffering with a disease called INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS (IC) / BLADDER PAIN SYNDROME.
She performed a various tests including cystoscopy to get 100% confirmation. Post that she started my treatment which included a few sessions of bladder instillations & some medicines.
Since it known to be an incurable illness it impacts it's patient physical and mentally as well. But Dr. Aparna has been very professional and supportive. She gave me courage to deal with this situation of my life in much calmer way and help me cope up with it slowly gradually.
Today I am not cured of this disease but have been able to control it to a great extent (mine was a mild case) and also to deal with this more confidently without taking stress about it.
IAM really glad that I met Aparna as without her proper and timely diagnosis, medications, dietary modifications recommended by her, and nevertheless her support (by being available for her patients everytime via SMS, whatsap, n calls) ; I wouldn't have in this shape (mentally and physically) which IAM currently in. I now have high hopes that soon I will be able to get rid of this disease with her support and my faith in my God.
I would definitely recommend Dr. Aprna Hegde to everyone who are looking forward to meet a great UROGYNECOLOGIST.

She is a great doctor in her domain.
28 दिसंबर 2018 21:44
I am representing my mother's statement on the matter cited below:
Myself, W. Memma Devi, aged about 69 Yrs from Imphal, Manipur (India) has been suffering from Urinary Tract related illness and urinary bladder problem for the last 8 years. I used to urinate for an interval of 10-15 min.every time that also with a lots of pain. It was a very painful symptom that was carrying with me for the last many years.

I have consulted and undergone treatment in around Imphal and outside the state including some of the most renowned hospitals (private and govt.) in the country. I was even counselled to get my bladder removed by surgery, and also advised for urinary diversion as the last treatment of my illness. The date of operation was also fixed.

Luckily, from reliable sources, I heard about Dr. Aparna Hegde and went to her for consultation. She correctly diagnosed that I have bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis on my symptoms and cystoscopy. She prescribed a combination of oral medication and bladder installation with relatively mild medications. Because we had to go back to Imphal, she taught my husband how to provide care at home. After her treatment, more than 70 percent of my problem has been reduced and I am feeling better nowadays.

I am further going for her treatment for complete recovery, every three months. She does not charge any money for this continuing treatment. She performed weekly biofeedback and electrical stimulation for the pain that would crop up sometimes for six weeks and that also has helped. I hope for a quite constant recovery under her treatment.

If am asked to say about Dr. Aparna Hegde, I would say She is a wonderful and a well experienced doctor in this field that can heal my chronic illness which could not be remedied by several renowned doctors all over the country last time.

She has diagnosed me rightly and I have undergone treatment in the proper way. She, being a doctor, is so enthusiastic in her treatment.she is always available, is prompt in her response, and has helped us constsntly though we stay so far away. I have no words to appreciate her rather saying " Dr. Aparna Hegde is a doctor who is next to GOD".

May God bless her and her family members and her staff all the time. Her staff is also very kind and responsive and highly trained.

Thanks God for meeting with such a doctor in my lifetime who has lit up a hope in my recovery.with regards,

W. Memma, a patient of Dr. Aparna Hegde
13 दिसंबर 2018 14:39
My wife, at 74, was suffering from urinary incontinence as also bladder prolapse. These conditions were interfering with her social life.
We learnt of the doctor's specialities through a GP at Agra. We located her contact through internet search. We found the doctor's approach of urology plus gynae to our issue excellent. Treatment took us through twelve sittings of biofeedback and electrical stimulation (physiotherapy) for the urinary incontinence and eventual surgery for stage II cystocele. Because of the biofeedback treatment, medications and diet and fluid modification prescribed by the doctor, the urinary incontinence could be treated without needing surgical intervention. We needed surgery eventually only for bladder prolapse. The physiotherapy also has strengthened the muscles, and the exercises (prescribed by the doctor) my wife does every day will help prevent future problems.
The doctor was always at pains to make us understand the issues, treatment objectives and limitations and way forward. She gave special post-surgery attention during hospitalization. We got very prompt attention all through and got quick responses to queries in the convalescence period.
We are happy with the results of treatment for both urinary incontinence and prolapse and would recommend her to others happily.
13 दिसंबर 2018 9:36
Dr. Aparna Hegde is one of few urogynecologist in India and probably the best among them.
I was suffering from uterine prolapse for 10 years after the birth of my second child who is a breech baby but delivered normally. I met many gynaecologist but no one gave me a clear idea which got me frustrated. Then in 2016 I met Dr. Aparna Hegde recommended by my friend only then I came to know the difference between gynaecologist and urogynecologist.
Dr Aparna is a genuine practitioner who is concerned about women health in India. She also runs an NGO that helps poor women who can not afford to visit doctors or are hesitant to discuss their problems with a doctor.
Dr Aparna Hegde explained to me the reason of my problem and told me about the available remedies but my problem had become more serious and I could not linger on further, Dr Hegde performed hysterectomy (hysterectomy done by a gynaecologist n done by a urogynecologist is a different ball game, it is just not removing uterus) She also guided me on how to to have healthy life post hysterectomy. I recovered fast under the guidance of Dr Hegde and her team (equally as good as dr Hegde)
I went all the way to Delhi for this surgery from Mumbai just n only for Dr Aparna Hegde. She is so humble, dedicated, thoughtful, and compassionate. She always goes above and beyond and works tirelessly towards a healthy outcome. I feel so blessed to know her and have her as my doctor.
I wish I could've met her earlier.
Thank you Doctor

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