01 जनवरी 2022 12:17
I recently consulted Dr. Ashish online for when I had Covid-19. It would be less of me to say that he came as a blessing for me. My fever wasn’t going down and cough was increasing day by day but through his monitoring and thorough consultations with me, I am feeling much better now.
Strong recommendations for Dr. Ashish
Always grateful to him
17 दिसंबर 2021 4:53
He is one of the finest doctors, I have accross in my life. Very considerate human being.
We need these kind of doctors in our society.
May God bless him
05 दिसंबर 2021 11:24
Doctor with a kind heart and a thorough Gentleman

Treats his patients with compassion and is prompt to respond
16 नवंबर 2021 9:48
My entire family is infected. But it is Dr. Ashish who has helped us hold on till now. Would like to thank you doctor from the bottom of my heart

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