06 फरवरी 2024 10:28
I lost my father due Dr puneet Agarwal. My father came by walking on his foot and discharged with fully paralyzed body. He admitted him in hospital only to have hundreds of tests. And after brain Angiography my father become senseless. With in 3 months my father passed away. He is not doctor, he is Devil. Only money minded person. I curse the day we decided to take my father to Dr puneet. Please never trust him. He is not doctor, he is Money maker.
I curse you Dr puneet Agarwal you will die with the same pain my father suffers due to your greed.
02 फरवरी 2024 19:14
Dr. Puneet Agrawal treated my mother for 3 years with Dementia. Every consultation with him was like a family discussion. He is extremely patient, kind hearted, cooperative,
Diagnosis and treatment is very, very good. Dr.puneet never hesitates to connect with his patients and family whenever required.
04 नवंबर 2022 19:56
He has attitude problem.money minded.not attentive to all details.doesn't understand patient is scared and in old age to tell about his problem so he just decides what to do next and sends back the patient.
His assistant sends message thta Dr Puneet is available, online 1900 really not worth it.
He treated my father for pain in right leg that he was experiencing, wrote most expensive tests on the very first day, given lots of expensive medicines and till date my father has not recovered from this problem. We continued treatment for 6 months and then took physiotherapy. Please save your money and spend at the right one.
12 जून 2022 3:51
Dr. Puneet sir, the treatment you have done with our family members is commendable, and sir you are really great, my family thank you wholeheartedly, doctor sir, I Think Dr. Puneet is the one of the best neurologist in Delhi NCR India.
13 मई 2022 14:04
Best Treatment by Dr puneet and thankyou for refer physiotherapy, physiotherapy help me a lot for my recovery.thankyou physiotherapy team.
13 मई 2022 10:53
In Dec 2020 I had headache and fever we took few blood test and RTPCR as precaution because I had travel in NOV-20, however nothing came positive however my health was getting worsen day by day. We have consulted couple of hospital and admitted in ICU however they were not able to diagnose properly as a result I went in COMA. My wife and relative connected with Dr. Puneet to get me best treatment as a good human being Dr Puneet has acted promptly and arranged Bed in Saket to admit and start treatment due to COVID-19 there were shortage in bed. He has diagnosed me and found that there is bacterial TBM attacked and he has started all ATT drug in. He has applied all wisdome to get me back in this world. I got my senses back in Jan end and looks all better now. I am back to normal life just because of quick treatment from Puneet. I express my gratitude to him as he is living GOD in earth to save life. I urge you all ladies/gentlemen please recommend him whoever is in need around you. Have a Happy and healthy life ahead. Thank you
04 मई 2022 21:17
Thank you doctor puneet for treatment and Thanks to refer to physiotherapy, now I'm in good condition.
25 अप्रैल 2022 14:20
Dr. Puneet Agarwal has treated my relative having stroke. He came in very bad shape bed bound but discharged in walking state. He explains everything and caring. I Think Dr. Puneet is one of the best neurologist in Delhi NCR India.
28 मार्च 2022 17:49
Very kind, experienced and top neurologist delhi India. He has done miracle of treating my relative having brain attack (stroke) who was bed bound at admission and was discharged in walking state. He listed patient problems patiently and explains everything. In my opinion he is best neurologist.
03 जनवरी 2021 15:22
My brother was having problem in walking and shivering of hands. I have shown to many neurologist earlier but did not get better. Dr puneet Agarwal has cured him from Parkinson disease. In my opinion Dr puneet Agarwal is best and top most neurologist in Delhi NCR India. I will recommend him strongly.
15 दिसंबर 2020 21:45
My mother (Mrs Sunita Nagpal) was in severe pain and nerve pain in the foot, which led to burning and swelling like sensation -extreme feeling of needles pinching and itching. She was unable to walk and had sleepless nights. She came to Dr. Puneet Aggarwal when she had already given her hope. He made accurate diagnosis and controlled the pain and symptoms effectively.he is very intelligent and over all a very good human being. He is god send, My mother can now easily walk and is totally painfree. We are very fortunate to have met him. Thank you Dr Puneet for all your support and guidance.
20 नवंबर 2020 19:57
Worst Doctor have their patients wait for 2 hours gave appointment of 9: 30 AM but reached hospital at 11: 30AM he needs to be more careful not to have their patients wait for such a long time in such pendemic situations.
15 नवंबर 2020 11:01
My father had stroke (brain attack). He has improved a lot after treatment with doctor puneet aggarwal he is best neurologist in Delhi NCR India. He is also a Good human being Who understands your problem.
13 नवंबर 2020 18:54
Dr. Puneet Aggarwal has treated my mother having Parkinson's disease with abnormal movements. Is one of the best neurologist in Delhi NCR India. My mother what is remarkably better after DBS surgery.
02 अक्टूबर 2020 15:09
My sister in law has epilepsy. Last year, she was having fits quite regularly. It was then that we decided to go to Dr. Puneet Agarwal for her treatment. She has been taking medicines as advised by him and now she is much better. She is not having fits now since his medicines suited her.
26 मार्च 2020 23:50
He is less of a doctor more of a businessman.he is sweet to talk to n will easily convince you.will not recommend him to anyone.
11 मार्च 2020 9:15
Just tell the patients to do the tests and don't even check the reports back. Always think about how to get more money from patients.
04 जुलाई 2019 1:42
Worst doctor i have ever meet so arrogant and rude event dont give time to patient only thing he wants is making money
21 मई 2019 7:21
He prescribed too many lab investigations and made the treatment highly expensive. My patient suffered serious side effects due to over medication. Above that the medicines which had cheaper and more effective alternatives were not prescribed and only those which helped a few companies to mint money were advised. When we complained about the side effects caused by his medication, he further prescribed more medicines to deal with the problem.

For him business comes above professional ethics.

Max should work towards finding a new module so that the medical practitioners have some empathy towards their patients rather than considering them as money minting machines.
06 अप्रैल 2019 6:01
Really poor treatment, just tell the patients to do the tests and don't even check the reports back. Always think about how to get more money from patients.
11 जनवरी 2019 7:21
Simply ooverrated, no empathy or time for patients or their families. Business over professional responsibility.
06 जून 2018 2:36
I am sachin Singhal, My mother suffering from neurological ailments was admitted under able hands of Dr Punit Aggarwal, more than a great doctor with immense prudence, he carries a great sense of humanistic behaviour and genuineness. He is highly concerned about the progress and requirement of the patient and listens to the attendants with great great sincerity and patience. He is never in a hurry or rush. He is truly a 5 STAR Doctor. Strongly recommend him for all brain/stroke related ailments.
Thanks everyone for reading.

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