02 फरवरी 2024 17:45
Shri Bhima Kali ji Temple situated in Sarahan District Shimla.
This temple is really amazing, peaceful vibes, and has definitely a amazing atmosphere.
Beauty around this temple is mind-blowing. You can feel the glow when you look around and find beautiful mountains here.
This is one of the most amazing, peaceful and much awaited temple I have ever visited.
Really thankful to Maa Bhima Kali who really blessed me to make my dream alive and completed. It took around almost 10 years to feel the presence of this temple.
Thank you maa Bhima Kali
06 सितंबर 2023 10:47
हिमाचल प्रदेश के सराहन में भीमाकाली मंदिर हिंदुओं का एक प्रमुख तीर्थ स्थल माना जाता है। यह मंदिर 800 साल पुराना है और इसे 51 पवित्र शक्तिपीठों में से एक माना जाता है। यह मंदिर देवी दुर्गा को समर्पित है जिन्हें स्थानीय तौर पर भीमाकाली के नाम से जाना जाता है।
यह मंदिर रामपुर बुशहर से लगभग 30 किमी दूर है।
यह मंदिर तिब्बती स्थापत्य शैली में है जिसमें बौद्ध और हिंदू प्रभाव है और मंदिरों में दोनों धर्मों की कांस्य मूर्तियां हैं। यह विशेषता इस पहाड़ी राज्य के किसी भी मंदिर में नजर नहीं आती। इसमें तिरछी स्लेट की छतें, सुनहरी मीनारें, पगोडा और एक नक्काशीदार चांदी का दरवाजा है। मंदिर के समीप ही राजपरिवार के महल हैं।
श्री भीमाकाली मंदिर में शाश्वत देवी की एक मूर्ति कुंवारी का प्रतिनिधित्व करती है और यह मंदिर की इमारत की सबसे ऊपरी मंजिल पर स्थित है। उस मंजिल के नीचे देवी पार्वती को भगवान शिव की दिव्य पत्नी के रूप में प्रतिष्ठित किया गया है। इस परिसर में तीन अन्य मंदिर भी हैं भगवान रघुनाथ, नरसिंह और पाताल भैरव।

वर्तमान भीमाकाली मंदिर एक नया मंदिर है, जिसे 1927 में बनाया गया था। पास के पुराने मंदिर की एक दिलचस्प कहानी है। 1905 के भूकंप में यह थोड़ा झुक गया और फिर बाद के झटके के साथ चमत्कारिक रूप से सीधा हो गया। ऐसा कहा जाता है कि इस मंदिर की नींव बहुत गहरी है और यहां एक अप्रयुक्त सुरंग है जो इसे एक किलोमीटर दूर रनविन गांव से जोड़ती है। पुजारी इसी गुप्त रास्ते से मंदिर में प्रवेश करते और निकलते थे।
एक पौराणिक कथा के अनुसार यह मंदिर वहीं बनाया गया है जहां सती का कान गिरा था। इसके बाद यह पीठ-स्थान के रूप में पूजा स्थल बन गया।
05 सितंबर 2023 18:14
Great ancient bheema Kali temple located in sarahan (HP) very beautiful temple, people for all over India come to visit, It usually closed after ratri arti at 7.30 after prashad vitran.
26 अगस्त 2023 21:16
This place is full of positive vibrations you will feel positivity energetic and blessed. Jai Matta Di.
23 अगस्त 2023 19:05
Bhimakali Temple in Sarahan, Himachal Pradesh is considered a major pilgrimage site for Hindus. This temple is 800 years old and it is regarded as one of the 51 sacred Shakti peethas. This temple is dedicated to Goddess Durga known locally as Bhimakali.
This temple is about 30 km from Rampur Bushahr.
The temple is in Tibetan architectural style with Buddhist and Hindu influences and bronze statues of both religions in the shrines. This feature is not visible at any of the temples in this hill state. It has slanted slate roofs, golden towers, pagodas and a carved silver door. The palaces of the royal family are adjacent to the temple.
An idol of eternal goddess at Sri Bhimakali Temple represents the virgin and it lies at the top storey of the temple building. Below that storey goddess Parvati has been enshrined as the divine consort of Lord Shiva. There are three other shrines in this complex as well Lord Raghunath, Narsingh and Patal Bhairava.

The present Bhimakali Temple is a new one, built in 1927. The old temple nearby has a fascinating story to it. It got tilted slightly in the 1905 earthquake and then miraculously straightened back with a subsequent tremor. It is said that the foundations of this temple are very deep and that there is a disused tunnel that connects this to the village of Ranwin, a kilometer away. Priests would enter and leave the temple through this secret passage.
According to a legend, this temple was built where Sati's ear fell. After this it became a place of worship in the form of Peeth-Sthan.
21 अगस्त 2023 21:22
भीमा काली मंदिर भारत में हिमाचल प्रदेश के सराहन में एक प्राचीन मंदिर है, जो कि माता भीमाकाली देवी को समर्पित है, जो पूर्व बुशहर राज्य के शासकों के देवी हैं। यह मंदिर शिमला से लगभग 180 किमी दुरी पर स्थित है और हिन्दू धर्म के 51 शक्तिपीठों में से एक है। सराहन शहर को किन्नौर के द्वार के रूप में जाना जाता है। सराहन से 7 किमी की दूरी पर नीचे सतलुज नदी है। सराहन की पहचान पुराणों में वर्णित तत्कालीन सोनितपुर से की गई है।
जय माता दी।
16 अगस्त 2023 6:02
Nestled in the heart of my charming hometown is the renowned Maa Bhimakali Temple, a spiritual gem that draws visitors from far and wide. The temple's intricate architecture stands as a testament to the rich cultural heritage of our town. As you step onto the temple grounds, you're enveloped in an aura of tranquility and devotion.

The divine aura within the temple is captivating, and the air is filled with the soothing aroma of incense. Devotees and tourists alike gather here to pay their respects, seeking blessings and solace from the powerful deity. The ornate carvings and vibrant paintings adorning the temple walls transport you to a world of mythology and spirituality.

The temple also plays a vital role in our community's festivals and traditions. The annual festivals are a sight to behold, with colorful processions, traditional music, and a palpable sense of unity among the attendees.

Visiting the Maa Bhimakali Temple is not just a spiritual experience but also an opportunity to immerse oneself in the essence of our town's history and culture. The temple's significance goes beyond its religious importance, serving as a symbol of unity and reverence that binds our community together.

For those seeking a blend of spirituality, culture, and history, a visit to my hometown's Maa Bhimakali Temple is an absolute must.
14 अगस्त 2023 22:16
Beautiful temple in lap of sarahan valley.
Totally different atmosphere and deep silence around here.
08 अगस्त 2023 19:49
It's a really good place for the weekend.
Maa Bhima Kali blesses us all.
I want everyone to go once there.
24 जनवरी 2022 2:36
Its a beautiful temple of Mata Bhimakali situated at Sarahan, you can here by bus, taxi or by personal cars. You can see Shrikhand Mahadev from the temple.
13 जनवरी 2022 15:01
Can't express my feelings in words. It was an amazing trip to there. The temple is located between the valley. It's an amazing place with beautiful view and scenery. One should go there and feel the nature. A place with perfectly maintained as well as everything is available easily. You can find hotels, shops which local dress as well as local dish, local spices which have unique taste in them. The direction to this place is you have to take right turn from jeori while going to kalpa and left turn while you are going to rampur.
31 दिसंबर 2021 13:02
Jai maa bhimakali! The architecture of temple is amazing and it's surrounded by snowy peaks which is so amazing to watch for!
28 दिसंबर 2021 5:39
It's a very beautiful temple to visit just 34 km from Rampur Bushahr and 160 km from state capital Shimla
23 दिसंबर 2021 7:57
Beautiful temple in Sarahan, shimla.
Kul devi of raja of rampur bushar.
No camera allowed inside temple
19 दिसंबर 2021 19:37
Serenity surrounding divinity!

Maa Bhimakali Mandir, Sarahan,
Shimla, Devbhoomi Himachal!
04 दिसंबर 2021 22:49
Bhimakali Temple, originally known as Bhimadevi Temple, dedicated to the mother goddess Bhimakali, presiding deity of the rulers of the former Bushahr State. The temple is situated about 170 kilometres from Shimla and is one of 51 Shakti Peethas. The town is known as the "gateway of Kinnaur" it being near the old Indo-Tibetan Road. Seven kilometers below (17 km by road) Sarahan is the river Satluj. Sarahan is identified with the Shonitpur mentioned in Puranas. Sarahan Bushahr has been the summer capital of Bushahr kingdom, with Rampur Bushahr considered the winter capital.
02 दिसंबर 2021 19:08
Hi, All
This is really a Very Beautiful and Calm Place for internal peace. You have to deposit your mobile phones first at the entry in the temple then visit into the main building and after Darshan of Mata Bhima Kali you can take back your phones and can take photos after getting off from temple you can eat Tibbat Food and can shopping also from outside local market but prices are little high. Otherwise good place for visit. Thanks

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16 नवंबर 2021 23:21
Beautiful and super impressive
You have deposit your mobile phone or any leather made assessary at the main entrance of the gate and you can put your assessary in the locker right in front of gate. The environment is very pleasant and humorous keep our mind a spirit of wisdom and courage.
Shri Bhima Kali Temple is a temple at Sarahan in Himachal Pradesh in India, dedicated to the mother goddess Bhimakali, presiding deity of the rulers of former Bushahr State. The temple is situated about 180 km from Shimla and it is as holy as 51 Shakti Peethas.
13 नवंबर 2021 17:02
This is the most favourite place to visit for me. Maa Bhimakaali is The Devi of strength. Scenic view is just awesome.
05 जून 2021 18:29
An outstanding Hindu temple. Very peaceful. It is one of the 51 Satipith. The left ear of Maa Sati fell here.
15 मई 2021 22:27
Nice place religion please to visit
Along with some nice places to visit nearby, like parks, zoo etc
10 मई 2021 2:09
An very old ancient Hindu temple about 500years old. The temple is purely on WOODEN Structure and worth visiting. However it is very sad and astonishing that right from SHIMLA there is no SIGN BOARD of MATA BHIMA KALI JEE TEMPLE and approach road to the temple is very Shabu condition. HP GOVT must take immediate steps to provide the SIGN BOARDS enroute and arrange immediate repair the approach road to temple and beautify the surroundings
30 अप्रैल 2021 21:54
Religious temple of mahakali. It belongs to Raja Virbhadra Singh Ji it is kul devi of raja Sahib. It is visited by all types of people through out the year
12 अप्रैल 2021 23:22
Sarahan is a small but beautiful hill station. Maa Bhimakali temple is a very famous in Himachal. Temple architecture is marvelous.
05 अप्रैल 2021 18:41
Beautiful devotional and well built.
Rooms are available in temple for devotees to stay overnight.must to visit.
May mata rani fulfill everyone's wishes.
Jai Mata di g
01 अप्रैल 2021 2:09
Breathtaking journey between high himalayan mountains & River Satluj, very old & beautiful wooden temple of Mata bhimakali ji in Sarhan, district Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
22 मार्च 2021 15:16
Sarahan is a small village in Himachal Pradesh of India. It is the site of the Bhimakali Temple, originally known as Bhimadevi Temple
08 मार्च 2021 9:42
Bhimakali temple is a 500 years old temple in darshan, himachal pradesh, we stayed in a dharmshala situated in the campus only. They charged 500 Rs for a four bedded room which is a decent amount. And all amenities are there for a basic survival.
19 फरवरी 2021 15:40
It is Really A Spritual and Devine place. This Temple is full of Art work. The temple is built in Kasht-Kuni style. The Roof is of Plane Stone.know as Slates. Here Metal Carving is also Splendid.
There are so many Hindu Deities carved on the outer walls and in Metal Gates of Temple, But inside the temple we can also see the Buddhist Deities among them.
This shows that the intermingle of Culture as in case of Nepal.
01 अगस्त 2019 18:54
It's very beautiful place surrounded with ice covered mountains and green hills. It's a very famous place through out country devoties came across the India here.
The temple of Bhimakali mata was established by the price of Bushel many year ago. It is a beautiful ancient wooden temple. The royalty of this area are only allowed inside the main temple premises. Only the Royal family of Busherer performs the ceremonies in this temple.
01 अगस्त 2019 4:39
Very beautiful and nice place to visit. There is bird sanctuary near by. If you want to see than don't come here between may to september, because it close due to birds breeding season.
13 जुलाई 2019 0:27
Very beautiful temple of Mataji. The temple is wooden and you can see very beautiful wooden works. Mind the stairs as you may bang your head into one.
Peaceful and senic as well.
05 जुलाई 2019 9:14
KulDevi of Bushahar Kings. Ancient name of Sarahan was Shonitpur. Before moving to Rampur, Sarahan was the Capital of Bushahar State.
01 जुलाई 2019 3:42
Serene and peaceful. Loved to spend one night. Best view - in the morning Sun, with a backdrop of snow-cladded Himalaya.

Do not forget to have Alu Paratha in the morning, at Sanju Dhaba in between bus stand and temple.
15 जून 2019 1:58
Such a beautiful temple situated in the middle of mountains.
Bhim Kali temple has a lot of relevance among local community and travellers.
Location is fantastic
Beautiful and clean surroundings
Blessed to visit this place
Stay at Hotel Shrikhand Mahadev (Himachal Tourism) for a relaxed access to this place.
Admire the beauty and freshness all around.

एक समीक्षा लिखे

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