11 जून 2023 7:03
My journey at Kevala was Divine, it’s really the Heaven on Earth with the extraordinary guidance of Guruji- Dr. Pradeep Ullal, a great Master gifted with knowledge that is beyond imaginable, a magnet of pure love. There are no words that could describe what I personally experienced with my Master Guruji, I was totally surrounded by love and incredible energies…very powerful! Eternally grateful to your transmissions, presence, and your unconditional love. I feel so blessed to have you in my life.

Deepest gratitude to Mahavatar Babaji, Anandamayi maa, Guruji, Kevala Foundation, Jade, Sara, my soul sisters, Raj and all the beautiful people that I met to Kevala and my family who made it all possible!

Love you all
23 मई 2023 14:32
Guruji created a magical place with one of the most powerful energy on Earth. Full of love, acceptance and incredibly transformational kriya. I cannot express my gratitude enough to Guruji, Raj, and the whole Kevala family for ascending experience of kriya and great hospitality! Not to mention most delicious food:)
14 मई 2023 3:47
I recently visited kevala in April 2023. I find it hard to attach words to how beautiful and sacred this space is. From the moment you walk in, you get a feeling of a beautiful safe haven, you are hit with positive possibility and opportunity. People are kind and love is flowing through each interaction.

The gardens are overflowing with lush green vibrancy, enticing you in with each step. There is an energy grid which is super charged and has a cosmic feel. This space really helped me dive deeper into myself, anchoring me in knowing and inner godliness. The nearby sacred mountains form a moving backdrop to the center, one morning we trekked up to the top allowing us to see the most spectacularly inspiring views, breath fresh and energized air and change perspectives completely.

Inside the center the space is bright, the main hall has an electric energy, one that I could feel through every class, talk and group session within the space. The art work inspires and reconnects you while the energy of all the sacred Murti’s vibrate into your hearts core. Practicing Himalayan Kriya yoga in this space sky rockets you into elevated realms. The spiritual growth I experienced within this space has changed my life and allowed me to go deeper into my spiritual practice and journey. There is a silent but prevalent guidance that permeates throughout Kevala, it pokes and provokes you and your usual patterns allowing you to experience revelations about yourself, giving you the opportunity to step into deeper levels on consciousness and realizations.

The food is delicious, seasonal, prepared with love and nourishes every cell of your body. The Sattvic nature of the food and purity of the water has a very balancing effect on your mind, body and soul. I have changed the way I eat since coming away from kevala. Before I was very focused on calories, macros, counting and weighing food. Kevala has totally inspired me to let go of this need to control and just flow with natural, wholesome and energy giving foods.

The rooms are clean, comfortable and spacious. They have everything you need while you stay in this beautiful sanctuary.

Last and by all means not least…Guruji, Dr Pradip Ullal, is the heart and soul on this space. He welcomes you in with bountiful open arms. He loves and serves with abundance and selflessness. It was a blessing to be in his presence and watch how he operates - this connection with the guru is like no other. Just being in his presence unfurls a magnitude of dimensions within yourself magically, just by being open - he inspires and elevates beyond words. I can guarantee you will come out of Kevala with so much more love, wisdom and knowingness than you went in with, because of him. Guruji’s love for sacred music emanates through the halls in Kevala. The specialized sound systems will transport you into different dimensions of possibility and consciousness. Even car journeys with Guruji were a blessing! We drove through the streets near Kevala with warm winds blowing against our skin and enchanting music playing in the background - it totally set my heart free.

Overall Kevala is an experience like no other. I found it hard to leave but I walk away infused with this love, inspired by the nature and transformed but the energy. All the people at Kevala and the group I went with have become my soul family, we connected so deeply and stay in touch regularly now walking along side each other on our spiritual paths.

Kevala permeates throughout my life back at home. I will always carry a piece of it in my heart with each step I take. Eternally grateful to Guruji, the Kevala family and this beautiful sacred space.
30 जनवरी 2023 10:22
Kevala is truely heaven on earth. True to its name it truely imparts & transmits pure & complete wisdom. Guruji Mahayogi Dr Pradeep Ullal is a very compassionate being I have ever come across. Guruji guides aspirants into Himalayan kriya yoga which calibrates body instrument. Recently I got an opportunity to be in Guruji’s presence during retreat at Kevala. While I was dragging myself through this journey, HKY has ignited a undiminishable spark of joy & bliss within me. Guruji is a pure conduit, the master transmissions which are channelled through him are very rare & precious. Being with Guruji every singe moment is what I cherish & his grace & blessings have truely changed my core. Eternally grateful Guruji for showering unconditional love & blessings. Looking forward to many more Satsangs with Guruji @ Kevala.
Much Love & Pranam
Kiran Puranik
Thane, Mumbai
23 जनवरी 2023 21:16
I went to Kevala because I was suffering from back pain located in the scapula area, before going there I was waking up every morning and couldn't do much for a couple of hours before the pain was decreasing. Believe it or not, as soon as I had the practice at Kevala I solved my issue and I never had the pain anymore. I am really thankful to the Enlightened Maha Yogi Dr. Pradeep Ullal for being able to receive his personalized guidance through my healing process. I totally recommend this center to anyone who is seeking a healing process (physical or emotional, astral), especially as an aspirant of Himalayan kriya Yoga because Dr. Praddep has a worldwide presence and can help you to face and then navigate your path.
Moreover, the center is a sacred space due to silence, cosmic forest, nature treks, and purification processes.
I had the opportunity to attend the Kailasa music festival organized by the Kevala Foundation once a year. The phenomenal musicians and support staff made the event a success.
I am sure that you will find the selected healing music any time of the year, it is played in one of the best sound system rooms in the world. No joke, during your stay at this powerful center you can find meditative, relaxing music and a healing sound system developed by Dr Pradeep. I recommend it to anyone who wants to be surprised by worldwide music properties because it is played in the best environment and possible way.
I also want to mention the medicine of mantra through Yoga Nidra experienced in the center. I spent almost 10 days and I had the opportunity to do all this amazing stuff. Can't wait to visit it again and I will recommend close friends to join me.
Once Dr. Pradeep said that Alignment is a multi-stage process, your body starts to feel the flow and you will feel free in your instrument. It is happening at Kevala center, I can witness it, we have to start flowering gradually, organically, beautifully, and organically.
During my spare time at the center I photographed more than 60 types of flowers, they testify to the gifts of nature at Kevala.
13 जनवरी 2023 12:09
My experience at Kevala Foundation November of 2022 was that of finally discovering answers of how to let go of the things that didn’t serve me. I didn’t need to try to force the pain away, instead pain just left and my heart started to open. It was the best week of my life. And now I have tools to help me in my daily life to feel free and light. With great gratitude, thank you Guruji, thank you Kevala Foundation.
04 दिसंबर 2022 17:08
Amazing place to really enjoy the nature, yoga and spirituality. Guruji Sri Pradeep Ullal has made this a beautiful place for everyone to come and enjoy their stay at this divine place.
04 दिसंबर 2022 7:39
True, real, beautiful, warm, joyful, powerful, transformational and so very awakening. There are no words that could really describe the feeling of love that fills you up once there! Truly magical
17 नवंबर 2022 21:21
I visited Kevala foundation on 28th of October this year. Reached late evening and was welcomed with the heady sweet smell of the woods and flowers with the only noice of crickets and insects. The room was beautiful, cozy, with a beautiful view of the greenery around.
Dinner, delicious, wholesome, sattvik and with Dr Pradeep Ullal Guruji and other kriya sadhaks. So homely and Divine.
Was given a tour of the place There's a meditation hall with a life size and chinmaya - Pranamaya statue of Mahavatar Babaji.
Summit room with the most amazing music system. Alchemist where music is used for meditation and healing.
Next day morning was meditation at Babajis feet in the Brahmi muhurta which can be done by anyone by themselves or Gurujis guidance and facilitated by his transmissions which assist in more attunement and alignment with the Divine source.all happening seamlessly and silently.
I was in awe of the silence and used it to shift awareness within. Bliss happens with this facilitation.
Guruji also does healing and pure alignment of the body that increases craniosacral flow and awareness.
More alignment, more receptivity to the Divine Grace and Life becomes a Divine play.
The whole place of Kevala reverberates with silence and bliss. There is a sacred grid which is one of the few places on earth reverberating with cosmic sound of Om in the greenery and amidst trees.
Peacocks and birds abound and the very sounds of different birds awaken our cells and resonate deeply with their benefits physically and spiritually.
Dr Pradeep Ullal Guruji is a spiritual Master, humble, approachable and loves to teach and guide.
I strongly recommend more and more people to use this beautiful sacred place within nature to develop their spiritual presence and essence and realise their true life journey.
I will return more often to continue my Sadhana.
Grateful for all experiences at Kevala to the place and Guruji.
02 नवंबर 2022 20:56
We visited the Kevala foundation in June for the Dhrupad Shivir 2022 conducted by the maestros of Dhrupad, the Gundecha brothers themselves. Immersing ourselves in the purest expounding of Dhrupad music for four days gave us glimpses of divinity, and Kevala foundation only added to the experience.

Set in a lush, hill valley, Kevala foundation stands out for the way light and space have been used in its constructions, at once calming yet rejuvenating. One's senses get tingled with the variety of fragrant flowers around the premises, and the sounds of peacocks and other exotic creatures playing their orchestra night and day. Skies in hues of blue, grey and white are sprawled above, and one can spend hours lying under them on one of the many terraces, that the hosts have thoughtfully constructed.

Kevala foundation feels like home right from the moment you enter, because of the impeccable hospitality of the hosts- Pradeep and Vineya, who also opened out the doors of their own house several times during our stay, where one gets to see and experience Pradeepji's love for technology and music. The volunteers- Vichitra, Raj and Nitesh cared for us like family, and made for truly inspiring company through our stay. The kitchen staff- Krishna, Shakuntala and her daughter were forever amicable, and Krishna's hands worked magic at each meal, dishing out saatvic fare accompanied by the tastiest local cow ghee.

After 4 days of celestial Dhrupad in this divine abode, we had to literally tear ourselves away from the cocoon of contentment. Kevala foundation surely calls out to us to visit again and again, even if it's just to loll and enjoy the space, and immerse ourselves in its internally cleansing experience.
04 अक्टूबर 2022 19:24
Kevala is a truly magical place. It always held me in its natural stillness and supported me recognizing who I really am.
Kevala offered me a safe home during the 21 days of intense immersion in the pure sounds of masterful music, the physically demanding practice of Himalayan Kriya Yoga and the experience of healing on all levels. Craziest fitness ever!
The community of friends and like-minded people I felt in my heart and truly appreciated our presence as one wave always.
Dr. Pradeep Ullal and my teacher Sampten imparted the profound knowledge and wisdom of Energy Yoga directly, clearly and vividly. Both embody the possibility of living healthy and spiritually fresh through intense physical practice. I am very grateful to them for the generous, ongoing sharing of many treasures.
The epic sound systems in 3 rooms and the master's exquisite music collection are truly divine.
I'm happy to come back to let the strings of my instrument sound in the highest purity.with gratitude, respect and love
Lotus Dakini
30 सितंबर 2022 19:42
A wonderful journey at Kevala Foundation, universe lead me to Kevala had 22 days Kriya Immersion during the beautiful monsoon season, for the very first time I stared to aware the energy and pranas flowing through my body, incredible knowledge passing through our Guruji, and he teach to his students selflessly. I experienced lots of transmissions at Kevala, blessed in this high frequency location, also met a group of pure heart angles from all over the world, expect the unexpectation here, I will visit again without hesitancy.
11 सितंबर 2022 13:42
I have stayed at Kevala quite a few times now and each visit has been beyond amazing to say the least. Everything about this place is beautiful. The surroundings make you feel like you're in the most peaceful place on earth. Guruji (Dr. Pradeep Ullal) teaches me something new every single time whether it be about spirituality or just life in general. The staff are so kind and always put a smile on my face. The food is amazing; the cook puts in so much effort to make us a nice home cooked meal everyday. I truly feel blessed to be able to visit this place as often as I do.
07 सितंबर 2022 15:35
Kevala is a unique place with extraordinary Guruji. I spent three weeks there practicing Himalayan Kriya Yoga in a beautiful place surrounded by a pure nature. It was truly a full immersion with a wonderful group of people. I felt so happy, blessed, loved and cared for. I wish everyone could go through the same experience to understand and experience the power of Kriya. Thank you Guruji and Samten for making it to happen!
30 अगस्त 2022 21:35
Place of true sacredness, beautiful nature and connection with the divine. Trust that you have been attracted to this place for a reason, it is because love attracts love.
14 अगस्त 2022 14:29
Kevala is a special magical place where everything is unconditional: love, acceptance, joy, freedom, kindness, happiness, celebration.

Once you get there - the beautiful process of transformation starts, your frequency shifts, the energy levels get incredibly high, the whole perception of the world and yourself changes. And you have no other way, but evolve for better self.

In Kevala everything is in abundance. Maha Yogi Dr Pradeep Ullal, my dearest Guru, showered us with lots of kriya, lots of divine music, incredible transmissions, chanting, connecting to the Universe and realignment (physical, mental and spiritual).

Can’t wait to be back to my spiritual home.
02 मई 2021 6:40
This is the place, I would suggest to anyone if he or she wants to find true purpose of life, being one with nature, looking after your body or even for a relaxing getaway. The reason is simple I found these while I was there.
Guruji helps you at all time since he is always there to help you out. The environment is stress-free, greenery all around its just like a dream place.
For music lovers this is the place to look for.
Getting to know your body and mind is most important and here to be honest it is looked after until unless you are into it, you are looking forward for it.
Accommodation is also good, cleanliness is maintained at its peak.
The word boring or regret shall never cross your mind since the moment you enter you would be mesmerized.
So if you plan to go I assure you it would not disappoint you and you will be the person you ought to be once you leave.
26 अप्रैल 2021 7:22

I was searching about "Shiva randra" and their benefits in youtube, and I encountered one video by Guruji Sri Dr.pradeep ullal. Guruji explained in very simplicity, clarity, there was a distinct profundity in his words of a realized being. I began to watch more of his videos to gather a glimpse of his wisdom pouring from his direct knowing. He makes it so simple and easy and inspired me to take my solo bike ride from Mysore all the way to Kevala Foundation. As I was about to start my ride, i sought a divine protection as I was riding alone. As i watched in astonishment, a solitary "Garuda" was assigned to be my heavenly guide as she accompanied me on my 200 kilometer long ride, watching over me. This to me was a sign of divine guidance and protection of the Guru. Unless one truly trusts, one cannot get the grace of a true guru. Finally when I made it to kevala, i was warmly welcomed by Guruji. He made me feel like home with all the compassion pouring for me. Meeting him made me realize what is the true connection and experience of unity awareness of oneness means. We are one and we look like many and his presence induces a magnetic pull that ignites the feeling of oneness. He is a easy going, simple human with no airs of his accomplishment. The true power lies in his magnetic touch that heals one deep within. Guruji treated me like a family member which makes me feel what a true realized being can elevate a sadhaka so preciously. Kevala foundation is a heaven on earth. The location is breathtaking and truly its a sacred space that is consecrated with intricate detailing. I also met the foundation trustees who also treated me as a family member. I look forward to visit again soon and fulfiill my spiritual quest.

I pray Lord to bless Guruji Sri with all twelve forces Sri (Wealth), Bhu (Earth), Sarasvati (Learning), Preeti (Love), Keerti (Fame), Shanti (Peace), Tushti (Pleasure), Pushti (Strength), Arogya (Health), Yashas (Success), Abhivruddhi (Growth) and Ayush (Long Life).
19 अप्रैल 2021 19:52
I have been practicing Himalayan Kriya Yoga with Guruji for 18 days. I have a chronic illness in the lungs and doctors told me I would need a lung transplant in 2 years. I do not believe them and refuse to buy into their medical narrative. Since practicing HKY, my lungs feel normal. I am breathing deeper, clearer and more pure than ever before. My entire body feels incredible and I feel this energy/power within me that knows how to heal and repair what is not in alignment. Guruji is helping me to 'tap' into a source of pure divine wisdom and healing. I highly recommend this practice with Guruji who is incredibly knowledgeable and brings science and spirituality into harmony with each other. He is a blessing on this Earth, a rare gem with a true heart of love, service and bhakti.
14 अप्रैल 2021 19:37
Maha Shiv Yogi Dr Pradeep Ullal though in a simple Tshirt and pants is Divine presence, an amazing energetic power house of Maa Shakti his mere presence creates an energetic shift in you, through His initiation i have been able to experience the blissful feelings all the time any issue doesn't seem to bother as much as was earlier, His profound knowledge his voice and the Mantras can stir the consciousness and whenever i listen to his voice it just penetrates deep in the heart and His immense love just makes you wonder can a Master be so unconditionally loving. The Himalayan Kriya taught by Him has made my body so flexible and i can easily sense the movement of energy in my Body. His work is Phenomenal and really every word falls Flat. One has to really meet Him or be in His presence to experience the power House of Energy Love Grace and you will be able to truly experience the fountain of Energy just immersing you. If you are ready and committed then He says He will work towards helping you to get rid of the karmic debts to be as liberated beings. He is just Amazing
02 अप्रैल 2021 13:35
I would like to say my heartfelt deepest gratitude for Yogi Pradeep ji for such beautiful practices and efforts he puts everyday.
At first I wanted to physically be at Kevala Foundation but that couldn't happen for a certain reasons for me. So I joined the online groups and after joining the online group named Himalayan Kriya Yoga I started practicing distantly.
I experienced after the practice was that the body felt very energetic and lightweight. And only after a few days of practice you can feel that huge dynamic energy shift inside the body and the way you process the thoughts also. For me it was magical and worked wonders. I will continue my practice regularly since consistency is key for every practice.
I feel what Guruji has given to this Planet is not only a gift but a means to know the true energy efficiency, remove blockages of energy and the key to Grace. It is an amazing experience and tool for a person experiencing daily karma and storing it into the body.

I would love to visit Kevala Foundation in future afterall since Guruji is a very kind and humorous person. And I would like to recommend this place to anyone who is on their journey chasing the Truth of life.

Hari Om Tat Sat
28 मार्च 2021 2:15
My year started with spiritual high at Kevala, We were so lucky to see Dr Pradeep Ullal on 31st Jan, he invited us on 1st Jan 2021 and gave us a wonderful experience of Himalayan Kriya Yoga. I had travelled from London, due to time restrictions I could not stay at Kevala, but the place is a paradise and highly recommend spiritual seekers and artists to give a visit to Kevala Foundation at Chickmagalur.
12 मार्च 2021 21:44
Kevala foundation, just changed my life.let me humbly accept that I found my life purpose after coming in contact with Kevala.
It brought me an awareness of my true nature making this journey really meaningful one, Kevala gives me an opportunity to connect to purest beings who really uplift us in every way.
Just love Kevala from deep from my heart.
Let more and more elivated to higher levels, this all I always wish, becoz we are all the same soul shining in love and light.
08 मार्च 2021 16:35
Yogi Dr. Pradeep Ullal shares profound and authentic direct experiences aimed to liberate the souls suffering from many life time karmic influences gathered and trapped in the physical, mental and emotional body. His Himalayan Kriya Yoga as taught by him is unique.

He becomes friend, philosopher, guide, master and guru to rescue on from the any kind of pain. His giggles and laughters makes one feel light and easy to go with him and receive energy transmission.

I am and my great partner are deeply touched by his style of teaching and sincerity with which he imparts deep experiences (not simply the knowledge) which make one immersed into blissful ecstasy.

Healing of the age old chronic issues is just a by product. His high frequency loving vibrations stirs the consciousness and heart opens up to celebrate life.

I was guided by Celestial design to him and just one encounter over the phone was enough to get drawn into torrential love energy of Great Divine Masters he has been blessed with.

What he is giving to the world can not be found in any book or scriptures. As i see him, he is rarest of rare being visiting this planet.

These words are far less than what is being experienced in the inner most core of being,
26 जनवरी 2021 10:30
This place is magical. The energy and the purity at this place is phenomenal. I was suffering from Lumbar spondylitis and doctors had told that there isn't a cure in alopathy and a surgery was required. But with Guruji's grace, and practicing Himalayan Kriya, I am seeing a huge difference, a relief that I have ever longed for from the back pain. Apart from this, the mere visit to this place filled me with a new energy and rejuvinated my mind. My humble salutations to Guruji Pradeep Ullal.
26 जनवरी 2021 2:08
Kevala is a very beautiful place bound by its own energy field which embraces you as soon as you enter it. It has a very serene environment which will get you back to your most peaceful State of mind. In deepest gratitude to guruji Dr. Pradeep Ullal I can ecstatically say that it is a "Heaven on Earth" that every being should visit atleast once in their life time. Every time I visited kevala I have had an enthralling experience and is always showered with devine blessings.
05 जनवरी 2021 20:01
One of the most beautiful places I have ever visited.
Highly appropriate for meditation and yoga as it is a high energy place.
This place is architecturally well planned with perfect combination of science and tradition.
With the help of high quality sound system, one can experience music in highest possible quality.
24 दिसंबर 2020 0:53
Kevala is a paradise on earth. Kailasa festival happens once in a year in November which we will be looking forward through out the year. I really can't explain in words the experience, once should feel it.
There is some devine energy there, we get connected and experience the best of music, kriya yoga and everything there.
Complete heavenly experience, we will just fall in love with everything
15 दिसंबर 2020 15:53
Perfect getaway for people who are inclined towards yoga and spirituality. Many have benefited by the yogic practices guided by Yogi Pradeep Ullal ji. The accomodation, food and other facilities are very good.

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