03 जनवरी 2019 1:46
Best place to stay. Cost effective.
You can access all facilities nearby.
03 दिसंबर 2018 5:26
Not very well maintained. But food is good. For job searching people it's good to bear and three times food available
31 जुलाई 2018 16:31
Good maintenance and food is awesome i stayed here for one year.i won't forget this hostel
28 जून 2017 21:10
Well, I have been staying in this PG for a while, my strong recommendation don't opt this one. This is mainly due to poor service provided. Since its been 3 years, when this place was newly built, most of things are starting to deteriorate and there is no steps been taken to maintain them. Commonly necessary like washing machine, corridor lights won't work here. Also it's highly likely you might land up in a room where bathroom, geyser, TV or fan might not work. PG caretaker is very irresponsible who doesn't bother about even if you complain. He procrastinates things to heights and never keeps his promise. Cook who prepares food here is very nice and gives his best efforts in preparation, however, PG caretaker orders him to prepare very routine food varieties.

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