29 नवंबर 2021 21:17
ചെഭാടുത്ത ചെഭാടുത്ത ചെഭാടുത്ത.
Aaro"- എന്നുവച്ചാൽ?
പറയൂല പറയൂല പറയൂല.
27 नवंबर 2021 2:06
This place was good. But I found your alleppey outlet near the Bhima jewellers horrible. The whole counter was blocked from looking inside, as though it was not liquor sold there. There was only a small hand hole to give cash and take your item and if your choice is not available you are forced to buy what is left. Pathetic. After paying 300% tax to burn our own liver. And more worse using that tax to give us free beeies. I pray for all kallukudians to gone on strike for one week, all these free will stop.
01 फरवरी 2020 6:12
Less Crowded than the usual Kerala Beverage Outlets. Chilled Beer is limited since they don't have much of a refrigerating set-up
18 नवंबर 2019 18:03
Takes credit n debit card. But one queue, normally no big queue
13 नवंबर 2019 17:14
Good place. Parking available. Good selection of rums and accept all the cards!
13 अक्टूबर 2019 12:22
Helping staff. Small time frame to clear doubts though!
07 जुलाई 2018 22:30
A house near the pipeline road is converted to the outlet. No proper arrangement to park the vehicles. They are parked along side the narrow pipeline road. In peak times it is difficult to pass through the area as the traffic also increased.

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