23 मार्च 2023 14:12
Hey, have been planning on joining your centre since an year and finally attempted today. However to my fate, I found the place marked as temporarily closed in Google and number says off everytime I tried to reach. Can someone please confirm if the studio is still operating or not?

Note: Low rating is not really intended and it's only to get attention for prompt response.
18 नवंबर 2022 5:09
Women fitness Mansion is the best place to take a deep learning about mental and physical strengths. I loosed 4kgs in a month. I'm very much thankful to our Namratha mam who helped me to go in the correct path during my transition. Mam really takes a lot of care for each student and also tells our mistakes while doing the yoga. This place feels like my peace area because I find myself growing more and knowing more about my physical and mentall strength. I would overall conculed that this is the best place u could ever find to join for the best result guys!
12 नवंबर 2022 14:36
Women's Fitness Mansion is the best place for a person who cares about their health and who wants to lose weight in a healthy way. Trainer Namratha Mam helps the students to reduce weight and provides the diet chart depending upon the person's body type. I have joined the studio 2 months back and observed great change in my body. I have reduced 5 kgs in a month, lost inches and gained a lot of strength by doing workout. Trainer personally takes care of each person and does follow ups on weekly basis about the weight.
I personally recommend Women's Fitness Mansion to reduce weight and inches within a short period of time which makes you healthy and perfectly fit.
11 जून 2022 16:22
Women fitness mansion this is the best place for women who actually want to loose their weight.i was facing PCOD past 2 years then I joined here the issue is been resolved with in 2 months and now I am getting regular periods and I loosed weight.i really want to thank mam for helping me to loose weight and regularise my periods. Thanks mam.
31 मई 2022 6:43
I hav began my weight loss journey in feb 12 2021 at 63.5 kg. I ate healthy meals as per the meal plans provided and 1 hour exercise. All combined efforts I lost 3 kgs in 23days, all thanks to Mrs. Namarta.i hav become more flexible, energetic and feels fresh all the time. I feel great, I look better, it reduced my stress level, feels relaxed, my face glows more then before without much efforts. Best thing I have done for myself and self esteem / health by taking right decision at right time which has Changed my life. Deciding to come here was one of the smartest moves I’ve made. It takes discipline and self control, but the knowledge and support maam provide have been exactly what I needed. As soon as i see some changes in my appearance, i get a huge amount of motivation. I hav also reduced my double chin and armpits fat within 15 days. And it doesn't end until i achieve my target.
26 मई 2022 0:38
Myself Pratiksha I want to share my happiness and gratitude to Mrs. Namrata as I lost 4kgs in just 15 days after years of stagnant weight. It was really unbelievable. I also had very bad posture with broad shoulders, thick thighs, bulky arms, chubby face. But I am so grateful you offered me your time and energy, your training made me look truly beautiful with glowing skin, also I lost my double chin, my collar bone is also visible, also it made me more flexible and strong. There is a great visible difference just in a month.
And it doesn't stop here, there's much more to achieve as I'm recovering with my migraine and pcod without any kind of tablets or medication and just her diet and yoga. It is great seeing yourself lose weight.
Thank you so much as you teach us tips and tricks to lose weight in a healthy way.
All thanks to you for helping me to get into healthy lifestyle.
15 मई 2022 19:56
I'm shradha, firstly before initiating with anything I would like to thank Ms Namrata for training me so well. The day when I joined the fitness class i was so weak, like literally after doing one exercise I used to get drained out, my stamina level was very low, my breath used to get so fast just after completing 1 to 2 exercises. N I can most of us increase our weight due to this as we have lack of energy. Since we don't feel active, we hardly show any interest towards physical activity. Namrata did this magical change in me due to which I feel super energetic now n that's how I can cover most of the exercises now.so long what I mentioned was about mental health n yea one thing I can never ever forget, I used to be always impatient, yoga made beautiful changes in me (when I say this, I mean each and every word of it). Now coming to my weight loss journey, I was a person with broad shoulder, chubby cheeks, double chin, bulky arms. When I I first met namrata, she gave a proper diet (a portion of food where in you don't get hungry) n just after 4 to 5 days to my astonishment I reduced 1.5kg.that moment when u see your weight is getting down is the most amazing moment, I knw many of the reviewers can relate to this. It's a wow moment. Than i started noticing the inches loss in me, which is like crossing again a milestone. Following the diet n exercises after a month I lost 5 kgs and some extra inches. My skin has also started glowing more now, feels more energetic, feels more active. I have transformed my mental n my physical health beautifully. Feels so good when ur relatives say " Ohh, you lost weight, n ur looking beautiful! ". In my family we always speak, we meet good people in our life due to our privilege, n meeting namrata is my big previlege because of her I started working out, I started having healthy food and I feel so happy better today
13 मई 2022 12:32
DATE: 20/03/2022

Health and fitness are important aspect of our life, that include both physically & mentally fit body. I can say proudly that with the help of Namrata I achieved both.
I saw rapid result in this journey n my experience has been great and blessing.
When I joined to Namrata I was like big hip (115 kg weight). Can't even one step I can go forward. Due to my over weight I was suffering from breathing problem at night. My family members n me were not slept for so many days Not only this I had Thyrod issue ie increased up to 14 (normal is 4) n my Hemoglobin has gone down up to 4.8. (Anaemia). I had package of BP, sugar and other issues also.
In this severe condition Namrata accepted me and provided me diet plan and few exercises which I can do only seating on a chair.
On february 2nd 2022 I started my journey with Namrata. On day 4 onwirds I saw many changes in me. I started losing my weight, n my breathing has became completely normal. As on day 25 I went to hospital for my routine checkup. Doctor was surprised to see me and my normal report. He asked me about my diet and exercises. And doctor responded " *your dietician is great. *

The day 40, I lost 25 kg of my weight n stomuch reduced from 56" to 41" inches. Thyroid, Blood pressure, sugar hemoglobin every thing is in normal condition. That is my biggest achievement.
Namrata made sure to keep me informed and motivate through my 40 days.and she also made sure that I have done my homework properly or not n did the correction every time. She is a truly excellent, professional, personal trainer. She is skilled thoughtful, sensible and a pleasure to work with and talk to. She works with the whole person - mentally, emotionally and physically. Her sweet attitude was also a big comfort. I was impressed and felt secure with her knowledge of subtle. Thank you Namrata.
Jai Shree Krishna
04 मई 2022 9:26
Women fitness mansion is the best place for women especially who want to loose their weight in a healthier & proper way through exercises & diet. I have joined here due to my irregular periods due to which I have gained weight, which has been corrected through a proper diet plan & exercises which are being prescribed by our trainer Namratha ma’am. Diet & exercises are being personalised for each & every individual. Ma’am is a good motivational speaker & who constantly encourages each & every individual in every aspect & attention is being payed for each & everyone. Trust me within three months I had lost my weight, my periods are regular being energised & more happily such that I can fit back into my old clothes & I could see inch loss. Trust me this is the best place for women particularly in improving fitness, loosing weight (count for inch loss rather than weight loss). Diet which is being prescribed by ma’am will be very simple. I want to thank Namratha ma’am in motivating & helping me to loose weight & regularise my periods in a proper healthy way. Thank you ma’am for building confidence in me.
19 अप्रैल 2022 0:48
This is really good! Mam helps a lot and she gives us tips which are very helpful for us. This studio is the best for yoga and we can enjoy it completely. All the girls speak and try to motivate us, we can get good friends here. And coming to yoga this is the best, mam even explains the diet which we have to follow, this really brings a lot of change in our body. Its been 3 months I've joined here and every morning i get energized to come to studio without getting bored. And to say, it's worth our time and money. I'm completely satisfied with this studio.
I joined this studio for the problem I’ve with my periods. I’ve irregular periods which’s the most annoying and stressful thing. And after starting the diet which ma’am prescribes for us and doing yoga regularly I got to track my periods. Now I’ve my periods regularly. I’ve control on my body and it’s balanced.
Thankyouu Namrata ma’am for being such a kind tutor. I’m very satisfied and compromised with the studio. You be the best!
11 मार्च 2022 5:22
With so much of gratitude and satisfaction I'm writing this.
Mrs. Namrata is an excellent fitness trainer. Her efforts for making me fit is awesome. Her knowledge about maintaining good health and sharing & communication is really helping out a lot to stay fit. In addition to fitness she also knows and share nutrition diet plan for having good health. I appreciate her dedication and admire her for the way of treating the people as her OWN.

In a period of consistent going to the studio I seriously lost around 5-6 kgs
This happens only if you've NAMRATA ma'am beside you.
She takes care of every individual like a GLASS and helps in all the way possible to make you to reach the goal in no time.

Frankly If you spent an hour at the studio your day will be amazing I personally feel a change in myself before and after the studio. It relaxes you very much and you can find peace so much
Trust me guys this one hour is definitely WORTH in your current busy days.
17 फरवरी 2022 6:48
I have started my yoga in this studio since 20 days. I have lost 3kgs with the diet and yoga teached by namratha mam. She given me a very simple diet which I can enjoy it. I am very happy to share this my belly fat and my lower body was Decreased and my skin also changed good as before. I thank namratha mam for Teaching me yoga and diet.
16 फरवरी 2022 6:33
Excellent coach. Good diet. Healthy transformation.

Had a great experience (personally)
Not only physically even mentally we get fit here.
18 जनवरी 2022 1:47
It's been 2 months since I joined this fitness center. I have lost almost 2 kgs and 5 inches of belly fat. The diet plan was so simple and easy to follow. I have started to observe the changes in my body and skin in a good way. Since I m a corporate employee, there no much fitness in my routine. This helped me a lot for my body shape and could sustain the same further. Namratha mam has helped me with the simple diet plan and health tips. Thank you so much for your support mam.
20 दिसंबर 2021 7:02
About 3 months ago I have joined women fitness Mansion, this period has helped me to get back to good health and confidence. In just 18 months of lockdown I have gained so much weight and with that I have welcomed many other issues like stress, gastric problem and l couldn't even fit in 'S' clothes.

But this journey helped me in losing 4 kg of stubborn weight, practicing a healthier lifestyle eating healthy food, also lost around 5 inches and started fitting back into 'S' clothes now.

Practicing yoga dint just brought the lost confidence but also helped me to destress myself. All through this journey Namratha mam motivated me and supported throughout. She takes good care of every person individually and guides us with utmost care in following a healthy diet, in Yoga and exercises.

I thank Namratha mam for the continuous support!
29 नवंबर 2021 21:48
I had joined wid severe sinus problem nd was unable to breathe during winter nd weight issuend back pain.i jst heard the name of the studio nd joined.wen i joined my weight was 89kgs nd i would fit into xxl size.bt now i feel very happy to say dat now i fit into l size nd a huge inch loss.nd my sinus problem has been reduced alot.from past 2years i didn't hv any breathing issues till now nd my body flexibility has been improved alot.due to my family issues, i had to take a break a break bt i joined back again after few months without gaining any weight.by doing the pranyams my skin strted glowing nd dry skin issues has been solved.namratha mam has been guiding me from since day 1 regarding each nd every single issue of mine nd guided me every time.she will focus one evry one nd motivates alot.she has great knowledge on diet plan nd good health.she is an excellent fitness trainer.i have improved alot during these sessions.i hv became mentally nd physically strong.i never thought yoga will bring such a change in my life.in this panademic condition too we can continue yoga through online classes which would be very much helpful for working ladies.the online sessions are also very good.feeling good nd great as a student of namratha mam.thank you mam for helping me in choosing a healthy way of life.
01 नवंबर 2021 20:25
It was a wonderful experience. I am personally experiencing the changes in my body, I have lost almost 9kgs just within a month.it's a kind of surprise and I am excited to see more changes.everything counts.guruji (trainer mam) is the strongest woman I have ever seen.very motivating not only our mam but also our fellow beings encourages every new member.hardwork, dedication, diet everything matters.most important thing is TRUST.if you trust that you can do.yes it will be true.you can see the magic.
15 अक्टूबर 2021 4:02
I was suffering from chronic sinusitis and things were getting hard for me as time passed on. It was then I got to know about this fitness zone and it did bring a change in my lifestyle, the way I think and do things, it completely changed my thought process. In the past, I used to have panic attacks and got anxious when things went awry but now I remain calm and try to come up with a solution when things go awry. Being fit isn't just about being physically fit and strong it is about being emotionally strong. It is about being able to handle and respond to things positively. In the past, I had a very negative vibration in and around me but it was relatively reduced and slowly I could sense positive vibrations in and around me. Our trainer always told us that to get better physical exercise isn't the only source at the same time we have to be positive. Cause one's thought process can be that bridge for different aspects of life and death. It's just been a month since I started yoga but it did bring a change in my body as in there is an inch loss in my lower body. It brought a change in my metabolism as well. I take food every 2 hours in small quantities and my body feels light these days. For a few, they may see results early and for a few, it may take time but the one thing that I would suggest is to be patient and focus on getting stronger from the inside.
05 अक्टूबर 2021 17:57
This is the best institution for women who want to reduce weight and maintain healthy life. Madam is very caring person, she suggests good diet and trains Yoga & workout regarding students health problems. I got better results within one month and got rid of gastric problem which was suffering me since many days and I loose my weight also. Thank you very much mam, we blessed to have such an institution like women fitness mansion.
23 सितंबर 2021 4:18
Women Fitness Mansion is the best place for women to loose weight in a healthy way. Namrata mam is the best Guru and her motivation helped me a lot to work harder. She gives the best diet for each individual according to their health issues. Her diet plan also includes only healthy foods which are very useful and helpful to stay healthy not only for time being but also life long. I strongly recommend this studio for all the women who wants to stay healthy and fit throughout your life.
Keep in mind that you should have to be very dedicated to see the results. Trust Mam completely and follow each and everything said by her to see the best results.
05 सितंबर 2021 2:59
In about 3 months I have lost 14-15 kgs and also 3-4 inches has lost in my body, my face and over all body shape is changing since the day one and today.

The diet is fantastic and Namratha mam, the coach here is awesome, with her help it's been possible that I have came through the journey of 90-75 kgs.

Personally I used to think it's impossible for me to ever lose that much weight, but all thanks to Namratha mam, only through her guidance and care it's been possible this drastic change in me.

My other health issues like irregular periods, leg pains, indigestion problems and gastric issues due to over-weight are coming into place, and my days are being more productive due to the workout and exercises at the studio.

Now I can sleep peacefully and even more happily, I can't just pay-back by thanking you mam!

(After 6 months)

I was XXL TO XXXL before joining WFM, but now I fit in 'M' clothes.

Even my family members are following the same diet n yoga. Even my parents had lose weight around 8-10 kgs in about 1 month.
12 अगस्त 2021 10:19
A pleasant positive place for one to join here. Trainer also suggests a very good diet which worked best for me. I have been able to get through my pcod and also tips and suggestions from trainer with any smaller to the smallest health issue is extremely helpful. Thanks to the trainer.
WFM is the one place for help in all below aspects pranayama, yoga, gym equipments, diet suggestion, mental and physical health balance
18 जून 2021 0:53
Actually.my working days are 22 days.
I used to be 107kgs but now I'm 99.5 kgs.
I have got the best results over here.
I have reduced 3 inches.feeling so hpy.
05 जून 2021 18:55
Iam Deepa, Namratha is an excellent fitness trainer. Her effort for making me fit is awesome. Her knowledge about maintaining good health and sharing various tips is really helped out a lot to stay to be fit. In addition to fitness she also knows and share nutrition diet plan for having good health. I lost 9 kgs in 3 months during working days and also I see fat loss in my body. Thank you Namrata for regular followups and taking care personally.
05 जून 2021 17:01
Women's fitness mansion. The name itself says that it's main focus is for women who want to improve themselves physically and mentally and our trainer Namratha mam is very supportive. She shares tips and care everyone individually and motivate in a way where we will gain confidence. Overall it's a fantastic experience. Especially yoga.by doing that we will refresh and get confidence.
04 जून 2021 9:25
Women fitness Mansion is great at structuring the workout and is incredibly friendly and helpful. The trainer Namrata mam is amazing and offers tons of support and encouragement on your fitness journey. I have been going for about 3 months and achieved better results.
02 जून 2021 2:13
Women fitness mansion is the best place I found 2 months ago. Namratha mam suggested me the best diet which helped me to lose weight in a healthy way. I was 55.5 kg when i joined, now I am 53kg. I lost 2.5 kg with in 2 months. Also taught asanas and pranayam according to my health issue. I have thyroid problem due to that I feel drowsy all the time and my hair also very thin. Mam suggested me hair pack which reduced hair fall and my hair texture also looking nice now. She always encourages to use natural products. After joining most of my health issues resolved. In this 2 months I observed lot of changes in me. Feeling active, and my body was lite, my periods got regular, physical stamina got increased, like this not one or two a lot changes. All this is due to regular yoga practice and proper diet.
30 मई 2021 19:03
I Just followed what Namarata mam says- Your weight will reduce eventually, focus on losing inches, not weight. Weight is just a way of measuring whether you are on the right track to achieving a great toned body
She will take care of each and every person from start to end
27 मई 2021 11:48
Hi all, Its been one month I have joined in women fitness mission, Namratha maa'm is an excellent fitness trainer. She helps us alot to stay Fit and Healthy and she also helps us about nutrition diet plan for having good health. It's really helping me very much to take care of myself with good exercise and good nutrition.
Thank you Maa'm for taking good care
16 मई 2021 2:26
I was skeptical when I joined the Yoga studio but Hands down, the best choice I’ve made is getting trained at Women's fitness mansion.
It's been a month I have joined this Yoga studio but the result are incredible I'm already seeing a big change in my energy levels and body.
I really like how my trainer gives me tips and tricks to get the most out of every workout. When I joined the studio I was 69.8 Kgs and I used to have dark circles around my eyes and my skin tone was uneven with acne, pigmentation, my skin was too dry. With in a month of doing Yoga and Pranayama I have lost 3 kg's of weight, also 5 inches of my upper body, my dark circles, acne got reduced, my skin texture became soft and skin feels so healthy now. I'm very happy about the results.
Trainer Mrs. Namrata, is the best who really cares and go above and beyond to help you achieve your goals. She constantly monitors you and will share feedback with you. I have religiously followed the diet shared by my trainer which is helping me to reduce my weight. I would say consistency is the key to success. Looking forward to achieve my goal from fat to fit. I highly recommend this place to anyone who wants to get in shape and evolve yourself:)
08 मई 2021 12:40
In about 3 months I have lost 13 kgs and also 3-4 inches has lost in my body, my face and over all body shape is changing since the day one and today.

The diet is fantastic and Namratha mam, the coach here is awesome, with her help it's been possible that I have came through the journey of 88-75 kgs.

Personally I used to think it's impossible for me to ever lose that much weight, but all thanks to Namratha mam, only through her guidance and care it's been possible this drastic change in me.

My other health issues like irregular periods, leg pains, indigestion problems and gastric issues due to over-weight are coming into place, and my days are being more productive due to the workout and exercises at the studio.

Now I can sleep peacefully and even more happily, I can't just pay-back by thanking you mam!
05 मई 2021 10:34
USALLY I m a girl who wake up at 8 am and start working at 9 am. Intially I thought difficult to wakeup at 5: 20 am slowly I tried result was awsome. Lazyness got decreased and I feel like energetic.
Yoga classes - Experience mind and body connection through a series of disciplined physical postures, breathing exercises and relaxation. You'll be increasing flexibility and balancing all parts of the body through this strengthening workout. Joined a month ago have observed lot of changes in me.
Still if you don't belive my words come directly and experience it.hope you will never regret about it. Special thanks to Namrata mam.thanks to my friend sneha who suggested me to join here.
21 अप्रैल 2021 6:08
Women Fitness Mansion is best place for women who wants to loose their weight in healthier way. Namratha mam is the best trainer and she gives good diet plan to loose or gain weight both. Her diet plan, motivation and yoga teachings helped me to loose 4kgs in 45 Days in healthier way. I am personally going here for PCOD, Thyroid problems. Namrata mam gave me good diet plan/suggestions to overcome from my health issues. I am feeling great & happy to be part WFM. I strongly recommend/suggest that it's best place for women who want to loose/gain weight and perfect body shape as well. Thank you Namrata mam.
19 अप्रैल 2021 0:44
Best yoga center in Vanasthalipuram. Namratha mam helped me a lot in loosing weight and improving my health. She also gave me a diet plan on the basis of my age and health issues. Tq Namratha mam.
15 अप्रैल 2021 17:25
Women fitness mansion is really good platform for all weight loss.namaratha mam instructions flows very nice.mam will connect to each and every students. Teaches a good exercises and also diet.she will observe each and every student.
I have cleared my pcod. I have reduced 4kgs.
My body shape is flexible.so many changes in my body.l am very happy to join in women fitness mansion.thank you namaratha mam for supporting me! ️
24 मार्च 2021 14:18
Women's fitness mansion is really a best place to workout. You can observe a good change not only in weight but also in your health.
It has been 2 months since I have joined. I personally have problem in breathing, which is lot better now and my body became flexible too. I lost 9 kgs within 2 months in a healthy way with very good diet said by Namratha Mam. Her way of teaching Yogaasanas and taking care of all the members individually is awesome.
I even feel relaxed doing yoga and a lot of stress relieved. Never thought I would be this much fond of yoga. All thanks to Namratha Mam!
05 मार्च 2021 19:24
Namratha ma’am instructions flows very nicely.it is smooth and clear. This was perfect opportunity for me to try yoga for the first time in a comfortable setting. Mam has a way of guiding her students both physically and mentally. I now do yoga multiple times per week and feel a greater connection between my mind and body. Mam is very friendly and her diet tips helps alot. I gained 3 kgs in a month now my body feels more energetic and active. If you want to try yoga this is the best place for beginners.
05 जनवरी 2021 9:21
Honestly! My body has become soooo flexible in one month. & I used to have delay of 5-15 days or even one month delay in my period.now it’s on time (exactly 28-30 days)! Namratha mam suggests good diet and exercises with lots of personal care. She remembers everything u told her about your body health and your concerns. Really a great place for a change! And most importantly mam is always super energetic and active in class. Only positive vibes around! Which I liked the most Good place to start a day!
01 जनवरी 2021 4:38
It's a perfect place for people to loose weight and gain perfect body shape in every aspect regarding health issues.the trainee is friendly, encouraging, supportive and health conservative.the diet plan she recommends is very affordable and effective also for beginners.it gives immense results if followed regularly and perfectly
19 दिसंबर 2020 22:04
Never thought I would be addicted to yoga and work out like now.its all about the way NAMRATHA MAM suggest us and guides us through the right way to stay calm and peaceful, to loose our weight, to gain strength and to get into a perfect shape in a healthy way. Just show your faith in namratha mam and your zeal to stay fit, that takes you to the most beautiful way out there. This place gives you a lot of positivity, confidence, encouragement, good health and also good friends. Thank you Namratha mam for the constant motivation and positive attitude.lost 8.5kgs till now and alot more to go️
13 दिसंबर 2020 18:41
WFM is the best place for the people to loss weight and tone there body into perfect shape. I have lost 5 inches in one month. Trainee Namrata mam is lovely, kindly, friendly with everyone. She tells all the yoga poses and diet according our body. After joining WFM my body has become very flexible.

I personally feel that it is a good place to lose weight and gain perfect shape to our body.

Thank you mam for always supporting and encouraging me when I'm unable to do.
07 दिसंबर 2020 4:46
It's really a best place for the weight loss in a healthy way. Namratha mam takes care of every individual in personal. Before joining here yoga is very boringg for me and this was my thought. But of now it's really an amazing experience over here. It's been 2 mnths and I had lot of change in me. The diet Namratha mam suggests for every individual is also healthy n affordable. Yoga is the only way to get ur body toned and flexible in healthy manner.
07 दिसंबर 2020 0:39
This is a good platform for women to reduce their weight easily with the tips given. Good environment. Good machines and equipment. I personally feel its good fitness and yoga? ‍️ center

Feedback after one month i reduced 6 kgs and my body became very flexible. And my trainer namratha mam was really very friendly and tells us about diet excercises what to do. Many tips given by mam were really helpful for me to reduce my ️ weight.

Yoga is the only thing which is very good to our health even ages go we can stay healthy with yoga.
06 दिसंबर 2020 20:31
My experience with fitness mansion was really good after joining with in few days my body became flexible and the peace you get from the yoga was so effective. The diet and exercise really worked for me with in few days I got reduced.
28 जुलाई 2020 0:04
Namratha (the trainer) helps to motivate and shape yourself, she is friendly, supportive, a music lover, and this is the place where one can find themself
23 जुलाई 2020 13:41
Best place for women for weight loss and have a healthy diet. Trainer suggests very good diet and exercises according to every individual's requirement regarding weight and diet. I have lost 3kgs in one month, even reduced inch and am still following and I am happy for my results. Thank u so much Namrata.
20 जुलाई 2020 22:49
This is the place where trainee namrata gives you diet and exercises as per your body shape and weight.
She gives very good tips for your day to day problems like cold, constipation, indigestion etc.
But if you want to learn about different poses or different stretches in yoga, then this would not be good option I guess.
But a 5 star rating for her individual concentration on weight loss. By following her tips one can actually maintain their weight for the life time.
I stayed here for a month, but I have seen lot of changes in body shapes and weightloss among the students.
18 मार्च 2020 9:59
I lost 14kgs in 90 days & toned to proper shape and could over come depression with great motivation and Guidance from Namrata mam. Yoga rejuvenate and gives rejoice.
09 मार्च 2020 14:49
Iam feeling very good. I lost 5kg in just 10 days.feeling much lighter now.very happy with the results.namrata mam helped a lot. Guidance by her is very good and she works on main issues. Highly satisfied. She give attention to everyone. Very good experience till date
31 जनवरी 2020 8:44
I am very much glad about this. The decision i took gave me very much result. The yogaasanas and excercises and mainly my food diet gave me very impressive results.i am slowly overcoming my breathing problem also.very choosable place for ladies who want become fit in their life.physically n mentally.i lost almost 5kg in 1 month only.
26 जनवरी 2020 7:34
Good Place for girls to reduce weight with good and healthy diet. I myself saw results within me. Guidance of the trainer is awesome.
24 जनवरी 2020 16:25
A great place to re-new ourselves. I have a reduction of 4kgs nd 3inch loss in 3 months with good health.tysm namratha didi for ur guidelines nd motivation
12 जनवरी 2020 9:21
One stop solution for all problems
About studio and Namratha mam: She is the best mentor, and guider with lots of patience and calm person takes individual care and best diet planner without making us to starve
My personal experience: I have heavy thyroid issues and used 125 mg tablets since 5 years facing heavy hair fall and damage and face full of acne with dead cells on my face and no stamina with anger issues, its been 2 months I got to know about this place and I just visited once, the very first day itself I was guided with proper diet and good breathing exercises with I helped me to control my anger and mood swings issues With these breathing exercises itself I could see difference in one month my Acne is in control and diet helped me to maintain my HB which was 7hb now it’s 10 hb, later she guided me with asanas as per my weight which helped me reduce 4 kgs and 7 inches. Not only that I reduced my hair fall and my skin which was dry and chappy is now clear and it’s normal now I also reduced my tablet dose to 100 mg. The guidance given by Mam actually curing my problems internally. I just followed her small changes in my lifestyle gave me big visible difference
Thanku so much
06 जनवरी 2020 10:14
I have joined this centre with two issues, Aasthama and heavy breast size. Its being only two months joining here now i almost stopped using inhaler besides winter and breast size reduced by one and half inch. The trainer of this centre takes care of you and helps in dealing with your health issues without compromising your purpose of joining this centre.
14 दिसंबर 2019 3:42
Really a good place.here not only workouts for the weightloss but also beauty tips for everybody are said by the trainee.
I joined here for pcod problem, really i over came it too faster with 3kgs of weight loss in a month. I even discontinued WFM for a month. But i didn't gain my weight back.
Now i joined back WFM again.
13 दिसंबर 2019 17:43
I had done some yoga classes before and to be honest I never felt like it was really "my cup of tea" until I arrived in WFM and tried Yoga with Namratha mam. I have joined 2 months back. I hv seen alot change in my body. I lost 5kgs nd alot of inch loss. I hv gradually seen a change in my dress size frm xl to M. I suffer frm back pain nd sinus. Now i can see change in my health condition.
She knew very well about the diet nd gives many tips nd teaches very well about the diet nd yoga.she personally takes care about each nd every trainee.she will even observe the minute change in our body.
Thanks mam for the being my trainer nd my friend.
04 दिसंबर 2019 16:47
Best place for yoga for modern day busy people. An Individual sequence of asanas will be provided based on person health/fitness level. Example backpain/ wait loss or stress/Sleep issues/ Thyroid. Special attention is given to every person. You can find a lot of positive energy and peacefulness in the studio.
03 दिसंबर 2019 3:57
Am very happy with WFM because i lost totally 8kgs in Span of 3months and also my suger level is in control. It's a best and comfortable place to workout. I thank the trainer for giving the best suggestions to me.
29 नवंबर 2019 1:50
Women's fitness mansion is best place for workout. Joining where I am has been of great success to me. Because the trainer who is so called namrata a great trainer. The diet plans what she says to us are very useful when we follow regularly. She taught her asanas was very appealing and useful to me.
I had a siviere headache since my childhood. It turned out to be a migraine and made me very embarrassed. I Also had spondylitis. So I used medicines as a result, I had side effects and weight gain. Then an idea struck me. I started searching on Google without thinking. Then I got a fantastic opportunity. That is WFM (women's fitness mansion). I joined immediately without thinking. And now I got good results. I have reduced my migraine and spondylitis also I lost my weight up to 3.5 kgs. Namrata ji thank you very much from my bottom of the heart.
18 नवंबर 2019 2:43
I dont know about yoga but.the attitude of the teacher is very bad. I'm shocked to know even a person doing yoga and meditation is bad tampered.she expects people to pay entire fee without any demo.she just spoke with me for 30mins on 1st day regarding dite. I came back I was busy for two days she msgs me so rudely and she asked me to pay 1400 for her dite plan if I dont join classes.it was so rude of her the way she spoke after dat. I dint even understand how she is taking classes to people when she herself is not calm. I went to her just by seeing reviews.everyone is saying I lost 4kgs -5kgs in a month.but yoga is not just about weight loss it changes ur life the way u carry things ur attitude.it gives kind of stability in ur body as well as ur mental behaviour.u learn many things from a yoga trainer.some times they become ur role models regarding fitness and behavioral aspects.which I think I dont find here.

Funny dite without workout is useless I have that commonsense. I said I ll come and join right I'm busy for two days because of some function.then u started saying u r a cheater pay my dite class money, I know u r a cheater one 1st day itself this wat u spoke to me on watsapp.after that I reacted on ur msg by not like the way u msged.even after saying no need of word fight, u still provoked me. I dont know how u r with other I'm telling about my experience with u. I dint even wait for two days u wer calling me mrng and evening. I was busy I couldn't lift ur call and I said im In busy in function and I said I ll come and join.and u bursted saying u won't join u r a cheater.even after saying I ll join.u started ur rude behaviour.everyone has there personal work they ll be busy u should understand and respect that and have patience.u dint even wait for proper conversation and u drew conclusions on other this not right behaviour okay. I have the chat wat u msgd just dint bluff
15 अक्टूबर 2019 22:00
Amazing experience!
I have joined just 1 months ago and I have lost 4 kgs.although I haven't I completed my whole 1 month. If u follow the trainers instructions which are not hard very simple things to do in ur daily life then for sure u will get the result.
Weight loss was mine purpose but u can join to solve any other health issues. The environment is very nice including trainer u just need to do the hard work.
The trainer will tell u yoga and diet plan according to ur body type n need. It is kind of a personal attention u get from her.
The fee is also not expensive! It's a best deal in any case. Go for it!
09 अक्टूबर 2019 22:23
Hi, I am glad to join wfm.
I have lost 5 kgs in 20 days.
After joining wfm my irregular period problem is cured and my health is also good now.
She is good personal trainer, will take care of every individual.
Her diet was very good and natural.
We need to follow her diet and do workouts.
In vanasthalipuram, we don't find any trainer like her and no place (gym) is also there like women fitness mansion.
Wfm place is friendly environment and trainer is very good, friendly and strict towards taking care of customers problems and needs.
04 अक्टूबर 2019 18:00
Hi, I went to here with xxl size and now I fit in m size, along with weight loss, great inch loss also happened in my body. Feels so much energetic and happy with cool mind. You have red a lot about the trainer in other reviews, I have to tell few more, she is a excellent dietetion also, she gives diet for different kind of problems we face in regular life.like thyroid, sugar, BP, pcod problems. I took diet and exercise details for my husband also as he has sugar and BP, Earlier he was not interested in doing anything, because of results he saw in me, he started following. I can say it is best decision I took after waiting long time to join a yoga class. My belly is almost flat. My husband also reducing his weight. My face is glowing and acidity also gone.
16 सितंबर 2019 14:57
Iam glad to join women Fitness Mansion world. The diet proposed by her along with many other health tips were very useful. The best part of wfm is the positive words. I reduced 4.5 kgs in a month there was noticeable inch loss, I had lot of stress in my mind now feels so much energetic and cool mind.thank you wfm.
09 सितंबर 2019 15:23
I have lost 5kg and 1.5inch lose in 20days it is the great surprise to me. I followed correctly all the diet and workout. Wfm is very comfortable and friendly place to workout it will inspire u to work hard to be healthy and fit. Thank you WFM
15 अगस्त 2019 1:32
Am very happy & satisfied with the WFM & trainer. I have lost 4.4 kgs in one month 10 days WFM is very comfortable & peaceful for the workouts. I experienced inchloss too.
12 जुलाई 2019 5:59
Women fitness mansion is best place for workout. I recuded 4kgs in a month and also reduced my acidity by following the healthy diet given by namrata.thank you so much namrata:)
06 जुलाई 2019 15:38
Since getting back to India after a decade, I was stressed with weight gain and felt less than fit for even routine work. After much research I chose to go to WFM. Have a fantastic trainer in Namrata who minces no words and her mantra is "fitness is a way of life". Have completely changed my way of life and feel much more energetic after a whole day of work. The bonus is that I have shed a few kilos quickly (3.5 Kgs in 17 days). Its not only physical well being but also mental well being she targets which makes it a unique experience. Kudos and hope to continue my journey!

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