08 जनवरी 2024 1:36
The information provided by the locals here is false. They close the boat rides at 5 pm. Please be sure before going. Our whole evening got wasted so as to complete this visit.
05 जनवरी 2024 0:33
Trivwni Sangam is a very good tourist place where 3 rivers meet together. People come here for their devotion and faith.
14 अगस्त 2023 17:00
Most scraed place on the earth. Merging of Ganga, Yamuna and the invisible Saraswathi at Triveni Sangam.

This year 2023 July, Kanchi Sankaracharya did Vyasa Pooja to mark the start of Chadur Masam.

This Pooja by Kanchi Sankaracharya makes this place infinite times scared.
13 जुलाई 2023 1:15
It should be the first place to visit in Prayagraj. Don't miss it. Before riding the boat you should buy some food for birds. You will enjoy it when you spread it in the water and there will be lots of birds in front of you trying to eat. And then don't forget to click some photos. This is a really awesome experience and worth it.
13 जुलाई 2021 4:11
Triveni Sangam is the union of three rivers. For instance, in Prayagraj, the Ganga, the Yamuna, and the invisible Saraswati meet. The point of their meeting is called Triveni Sangam. Similarly, there are other Triveni Sangams in the country, where three rivers merge. In South India, the holy Cauvery meets the Bhavani and Amudha rivers in Koodhuthurai.

Similarly, there are several other junctions where three rivers meet. The iconic hill station of Munnar in Kerala derives its names from the confluence of the Mudhirapuzha, Nallathanni and Kundaly rivers. In the Western part of the country, the invisible Saraswati merges with the Hiranya and Kapila at the Veraval region of Gujarat.

The Sangam is the place where the clear waters of the Ganga merge with the greenish Yamuna and the underground Saraswati. This place in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh is believed to be the union of three Goddess, who are the consorts of the trinity - Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh. Ganga is the consort of Shiva, the Yamuna is the consort of Vishnu's Krishna Avatar while Saraswati is the consort of Brahma. These three Goddess represent the trinity that is responsible for creation, sustenance, and destruction.

त्रिवेणी संगम की जय हो!
27 जून 2021 8:38
Holy place of hindu where river Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati meets each other known as 'TRIVEDI SANGAM (त्रिवेणी संगम) '.
People come here to pray and take bath to free themselves from their sins.
During kumbh lots of people come here to take bath from different parts of India and other countries also.
Here 'BADE HANUMAN MANDIR' is also located where people pray him.
Here fort is also situated inside which 'वटवृक्ष' is located.
I am suggesting all of you to visit this place once.
25 जून 2021 18:36
प्रयागराज () : -
समुद्र मंथन के समय जब देवता और राक्षस मंथन से निकले अमृत कलश की खातिर एक दूसरे से लड़ रहे थे तब भगवान विष्णु अमृत का पात्र लेकर उड़ गए. रास्ते में कलश से अमृत की बूंदे हरिद्वार, नासिक, उज्जैन और प्रयाग में गिरीं. इन्हीं स्थानों पर कुंभ मेला का आयोजन किया जाता है l
जिनमे से एक प्रयागराज है
प्रत्येक 12 साल पे यहाँ कुंभ मेला का आयोजन किया जाता है
कुछ विशेष स्नान: -
मकर संक्रांति

पौष पूर्णिमा


मौनी अमावस्या

वसन्त पंचमी

रथ सप्तमी

माघी पूर्णिमा

भीष्म एकादशी


प्रयागराज संगम का इतिहास: -

10,000 ईसापूर्व (ईपू)  - इतिहासकार एस बी राय ने अनुष्ठानिक नदी स्नान को स्वसिद्ध किया।

600 ईपू - बौद्ध लेखों में नदी मेलों की उपस्थिति।

400 ईपू - सम्राट चन्द्रगुप्त के दरबार में यूनानी दूत ने एक मेले को प्रतिवेदित किया।

ईपू 300 ईस्वी - रॉय मानते हैं कि मेले के वर्तमान स्वरूप ने इसी काल में स्वरूप लिया था। विभिन्न पुराणों और अन्य प्राचीन मौखिक परम्पराओं पर आधारित पाठों में पृथ्वी पर चार विभिन्न स्थानों पर अमृत गिरने का उल्लेख हुआ है। सर्व प्रथम आगम अखाड़े की स्थापना हुई कालांतर मे विखंडन होकर अन्य अखाड़े बने

547 - अभान नामक सबसे प्रारम्भिक अखाड़े का लिखित प्रतिवेदन इसी समय का है।

600 - चीनी यात्री ह्यान-सेंग ने प्रयाग (वर्तमान प्रयागराज) पर सम्राट हर्ष द्वारा आयोजित कुम्भ में स्नान किया।

904 - निरन्जनी अखाड़े का गठन।

1146 - जूना अखाड़े का गठन।
23 जून 2021 7:01
त्रिवेणी संगम वह स्थान है जहाँ तीन पवित्र नदियाँ मिलती हैं। तीन पवित्र नदियाँ गंगा, यमुना और सरस्वती हैं। इसके अलाव कुंभ मेला - प्रसिद्ध धार्मिक कार्यक्रम यहाँ होती है। हिंदू धर्म के रहस्य का अनावरण करने के लिए आपको कुंभ मेले में अवश्य जाना चाहिए। आप यहां हिंदू धर्म के रहस्यवादी अनुष्ठानों को देख सकते हैं।
21 अप्रैल 2021 11:38
I had a very great time here. It was my first time to river Ganges. I boarded on a small boat on Yamuna bank near Prayagraj Fort, where there is no crowd. I paid 200 rupees and two old men skillfully paddled the boat to the sangham and back. They typically take you to the sangam boat stand, make you perform nariyal pooja and then charge 100 rupees. I got on the boat at the time of sunset and the view around was simply wonderful. You can find many albatrosses and might even manage to feed them, like how Jadeja fed the birds during the bird flu outbreak during the pandemic and landed the boatsman in trouble.
19 अप्रैल 2021 5:03
बहुत ही शानदार जगह है
यहां पर आने वाले ऑटो चालक मनमर्जी के पैसे मांगते है कृपया बार्गेनिंग अवश्य करें
अभी यहां पर पानी बहुत ही कम है
19 अप्रैल 2021 4:36
I am here at triveni sangam, concentric point of three holy river.
But this time kumbh is at haridwar, but I comes here now and then
10 अप्रैल 2021 22:42
I am not naming the tour agency involved since they told me ‘it’s the first time it happened in 3 years’ and I will give them benefit of doubt but to anyone who reads this please please be extremely careful of the boat/boatmen you hire else your sangam ride will become a full blown extortion exercise. The boatmen we hired by paying a premium to this travel agency, tried to get money out of us in the middle of the river despite us advancing money to the agency, they were more intersted in taking us to a spot for some rituals rather than the actual sangam - in the end we saw the actual sangam from a distance for some fleeting seconds. If i wanted this experience i could have gone down to the ghats - bargained hard and done this cheaper too. Maybe if by luck i found a decent boatman, I would even have a nice experience. I pre arranged the ride through this ‘reputed agency’ because i wanted to have a hassle free experience. But alas this did not happen. The boat ride down the Yamuna, or atleast what I could salvage of it, was extremely pretty and nice and worth doing with the caveats mentioned above
09 अप्रैल 2021 23:39
Nice place but here are some pirates (thugs) who will take more charges to visit this place.keep safe from them
08 अप्रैल 2021 20:50
Absolutely no facilities for the pilgrims.
No well maintained ghat or facilities. Pilgrims are robbed by boatmen, priests and local sellers and Beggars.
At Sangam no facilities for pilgrims.
Poor dirty nasty place filled with Beggars and cheaters.
21 मार्च 2021 13:16
संगम, पूर्व नाम इलाहाबाद (प्रयागराज) में अवस्थित हैं। यहां तीन नदियां गंगा, यमुना और अदृश्य सरस्वती का मिलन होता हैं हम सभी अपनी नग्न आंखो से गंगा और यमुना के मिलने को देख सकते हैं क्योंकि गंगा का जल गहरे रंग का होता हैं जबकि यमुना का जल बालू के रंग का दिखता हैं और यह दोनों ही धाराएं कभी मिश्रित नही होती हैं। संगम स्थल पर आपको ज्यादातर गंगा का जल ही देखने को मिलता हैं। यहां समय समय पर कुंभ, महाकुंभ, पवित्र स्नान, पूर्णिमा जैसे अवसरों पर बड़ी मात्रा में श्रद्धालु एकत्र होते हैं जिससे इस स्थल की अहमियत काफी बढ़ जाती हैं। यह कई प्रमुख घाट हैं जिनके नाम संगम घाट, सरस्वती घाट, अरैल घाट, रसूलाबाद घाट, फाफामऊ, दारागंज हैं। यहां पर अस्थियों को विसर्जित करने के लिए प्राथमिकता दी जाती हैं।
22 फरवरी 2021 6:15
Juncture of holy rivers Ganga and Yamuna and the hidden saraswati river give this place a different spiritual and religious meaning. Very holy place.
01 मार्च 2019 13:24
Biggest religious fair on planet known as Kumbh fair at the bank of holy fever Ganges is going to start from 15th Jan. Prayag raj (Allahabad) is ready to host 0.1 billion people coming from all over.
This is organised every 12 years.
This is mainly for Hindus.
26 फरवरी 2019 10:49
The holiest of the places according to Hindu Mythology, Tribeni Sangam comes from the names of the 3 rivers which mix- Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati. Legends say that Saraswati was once a mighty River and it's thunderous flow was so loud, it disturbed the meditation of a great sage once and it was forever cursed to flow underground. Thus we can see the 2 separate rivers, but not the 3rd one. Tribeni Sangam is the place where people usually go for a dip, and it is said one dip in the Tribeni Sangam cleanses all the sins of your lifetime. Hence people, after death perform the rituals at Tribeni Sangam and the power of belief is so powerful, that even sometimes, someone's dying wish is that the ashes should be spread in the Tribeni Sangam. Tribeni Sangam holds the largest spiritual mela- the Kumbh Mela, which is attended by almost 5 crore+ devotees all over the world.
17 फरवरी 2019 6:26
Holy place for Hindus. It's is a Sangam there holy rivers at one place.yamuna river in green colour, Ganga in brown and both mix is a place where is the centre of the river many people perform Pooja's. It is located in Prayag raj. We have to go by boat.
15 फरवरी 2019 3:01
It is precious holy place for Hindus to take bath to loose your sins. It is the place where three rivers to merge such as Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswathi.
03 फरवरी 2019 14:23
The place has always been a soul relaxing spot. This year, its more of a central attraction in the world with Kumbh Mela coming close. You should definitely visit there to experience a very new aura this time.
23 जनवरी 2019 17:06
Where Ganga, Yamuna and Sarswati river join each other that is called sangam. Here this year Ard Kumbh is being organized from 14th Jan.to 4th march. Lakhs and lakhs people from all corners will join Kumbh mela here.
01 जनवरी 2019 18:37
There is immense potential in tourism sector over there.it can be converted to hertiage tourism centre but Govt.is not overseeing properly.there is no basic amenities over there for the tourists.
26 दिसंबर 2018 10:56
Awesome natural beauty and holy place.
The river Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati (underground) met here.
This place is very popular for Hindus, specially for 'Asthi Visarjan'.
This place is located in Prayagraj (previously known as Alahabad) of Indian state Uttar Pradesh.
This place is also popular for great Kumbh Mela. Such Kumbh Mela will be held thare on early 2019.
25 दिसंबर 2018 18:26
This is the sangam point of River Ganga and Yamuna, You can go to this point only on a boat which is easily available there for Rs 200-400.
It takes 30-45 minutes to and fro from the yamuna's city side bank.
People go there and offer coconut and flowers to mother river.for this Pandas are avilable there on boat, you can get down there on a rock and take water of sangam, then ride the boat and come back.
During winter you get thousands of beutiful siberian cranes there, you can feed them so that they surround your boat to make your trip more exciting.
The only bad thing is that, they dont provide you the live jackets.
25 दिसंबर 2018 0:29
Nice place to visit for devotees nd it is a place where all the 3 rivers meet i.e Ganga, yamuna nd saraswati. But no facilities for women to change their dresses
19 दिसंबर 2018 16:36
प्रयागराज का यह सबसे पवित्र और सबसे प्रसिद्ध जगह है इस जगह की वजह से प्रयागराज को पूरे विश्व में जाना जाता है यह संगम प्रकृति की अनूठी देन है इलाहाबाद प्रयागराज को प्राकृतिक दृश्य को देखने लोग दूर-दूर से आते और
इसकी पौराणिक मान्यता के अनुसार यहां अगर एक बार स्नान करने तो उसके सारे पूर्व जन्म की पाप मिट जाते हैं
(प्रयागराज में आना पड़ेगा ही आपको चाहे आप जिंदा है या मरने के बाद)
जिससे यहां लोग आकर अपने पुरखों पूर्वजों का पिंडदान करते हैं और उनकी मुक्ति की कामना के लिए 1 महीने तक मंत्र उपचार और वेद अध्ययन तथा पुराणों का गाने सुनते
जिससे यहा एक भव्य मेला सा लगा रहता है इस मेले को नाम दिया गया - कुंभ मेला
19 दिसंबर 2018 16:26
From alhabad rly stn reach triveni sangam by auto, by boat ganga, yamuna sangam here boat with big basket where we have to get down for holy dip, thrilling experience.
27 नवंबर 2018 15:29
In Hindu tradition Triveni Sangam is the "confluence" of three rivers. Sangam is the Sanskrit word for confluence. The point of confluence is a sacred place for Hindus. A bath here is said to flush away all of one's sins and free one from the cycle of rebirth
26 नवंबर 2018 9:49
Boat charges are sky rocketed (atleast 300rs per head). Pandas (Priests) are there to loot you in the name of rituals. They will chant some random mantra and will ask you to put 1000 Rs on plate and when you ask why they will say because you just vowed this amount through mantra. They will ask you to offer coconut, milk flower, prasad to Goddess Ganga and will charge atleast 200 rs for each and if you deny they will intimidate you. Pandas are goons who do business in the name of religion.
Be cautious and say you have only 100 rs in your pocket. If they don't allow you to pray then leave but don't mess with them.
25 नवंबर 2018 5:41
Confluence of 3 holy rivers, Ganga green colored and Yamuna yellow coloured are only visible. Be careful with the babas who might play some magic tricks.
06 नवंबर 2018 13:05
Good place and it's really a nice experience to see both the river merging. Take a boat to Sangam from the stand pay Rs 200-300 (max). Do not pay extra tips to boat riders.
05 नवंबर 2018 6:06
It's considered as the the holiest place for Hinduism. But it's one of the dirtiest places on the earth. We have to save Ganges. Govt should take some initiate to control cheaters around Sangam.

एक समीक्षा लिखे

समग्र रेटिंग: